Harry Reid: GOP Must OK Tax Increases Or Ax Falls On Defense

Aug 02, 2011 21:53

 Democrats may have yielded on their demand for tax increases to Republicans to achieve the debt-ceiling deal President Obama signed into law Tuesday ( Read more... )

harry reid, taxes, democrats, republicans, spending

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Comments 4

thenakedcat August 3 2011, 03:40:01 UTC
Not entirely on topic, but since it's come under fire from conservatives lately, can I just get a w00t w00t for NPR and actual-factual reporting?


sparkindarkness August 3 2011, 11:16:16 UTC
Wasn't the third option "or the democrats will collapse and fold because of their jelly spines and give the republicans whatever they want" again?


aviv_b August 3 2011, 14:46:11 UTC
Of course it will mean an increase in revenue...until the Repugs say 'no.' Then the Dems will do their usual whining before giving in.


wrestlingdog August 3 2011, 16:09:51 UTC
Well, this is promising, at least. Not getting my hopes up that it'll actually happen, but at least someone in the Democratic party is showing evidence of a spine.


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