anti-Clean Water Act passes House

Jul 21, 2011 22:57

Go fishing. Go for a float trip. Drink a big glass of water ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, deregulation, environment, epa

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Comments 9

romp July 22 2011, 06:58:19 UTC
Oh, I can't even. I thought we were all just realizing how much water need to be protected, from contamination as well as theft (incl "rights). So to see a move backward? Wow.


mel_darcy July 22 2011, 12:20:48 UTC

excusemesenator July 22 2011, 12:47:12 UTC
The all-important first step in replacing water with Brawndo.


sugar_crazy_01 July 22 2011, 12:53:59 UTC
It's got what plants crave!


very_veggie July 23 2011, 14:19:27 UTC
It has ~electrolytes~


erunamiryene July 22 2011, 15:08:13 UTC
The Act limits the Environmental Protection Agency’s ability to enforce national water quality standards.

WHY WOULD YOU EVEN DO THIS. Why would this ping your brain as a good idea? Who sits there and goes "OH MAN YOU KNOW WHAT WE NEED? LOWER WATER QUALITY STANDARDS!" None of this shit makes jobs! It makes this fucking country a goddamn death trap.


ragnor144 July 22 2011, 15:50:43 UTC
My congresstwit voted for this, even though we are a Great Lakes state. So if we in Michigan want to fuck over the water here, then Canada, Ohio, Wisconsin, etc. just will have to suck it. And my state is desperate enough for cash now that we would happily foul all of the water we have and worry about it later.


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