Berlusconi is the nation

Jun 09, 2011 11:21

Berlusconi is the nation’s waning Hugh Hefner, reviled and admired for his hedonism-except that he’s supposed to be running the country. Photograph by Alessandra Benedetti.

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you stay classy, feminism, sexual harassment, silvio berlusconi, sexism, how to win friends and influence people, italy

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Comments 14

x_butterfly19_x June 9 2011, 19:37:50 UTC
Everything about his administration is both lol worthy and incomprehensible.

It's almost a parody because it's so outlandish.


x_butterfly19_x June 9 2011, 19:39:08 UTC
His treatment of women is eminently dodgy.


x_butterfly19_x June 9 2011, 19:43:34 UTC
Seriously, Italy.

Or rather, Berlusconi.


Guilty of reading only the bolded parts, but... anolinde June 9 2011, 19:51:53 UTC
Ninety-five per cent of Italian men have never operated a washing machine.


“I created her,” he fumed, “and this is how she repays me.”

Where's a Regina George "I, like, invented her!" gif when you need one?


utterly undeserved slander of Hugh Hefner apostle_of_eris June 9 2011, 20:23:18 UTC
Hefner's political activity has actually been constructive: the Playboy Foundation does good work [1] [2] [3], some of which will probably surprise you [4] [5]; the National Runaway Switchboard is a great service; etc.

Yeah, I know he gets slagged a lot. I'm not arguing about what deserves it (a lot) and what doesn't (a lot). But he's planets away from scum like Berlusconi.


Re: utterly undeserved slander of Hugh Hefner carmy_w June 9 2011, 21:48:02 UTC
Just out of curiosity, I went googling.

According to Roger Ebert, who wrote about Hugh's influence on his young life in his blog:

"Yes, he has possibly experienced more orgasms with more different women than any other man who has ever lived. But his relationships have been consensual, and no woman has ever said, "Why, Mr. Hefner! I had no idea you were that kind of man!" It is also notable that in an age where sexual harassment lawsuits are as common as bankruptcies, Hefner has never been charged with misbehavior. We must conclude that Hefner's behavior is that of a generous gentleman who likes to get laid. That is not the worst thing in the world."

It's an interesting take on Hefner.


Re: utterly undeserved slander of Hugh Hefner makemegood June 10 2011, 00:49:07 UTC
Hefner is still a sexist asshole, though.


Re: utterly undeserved slander of Hugh Hefner fornikate June 10 2011, 21:41:46 UTC
he still makes his money off the bodies of women, perpetuates an impossible physical ideal, and the idea that women are objects.


apis_cerana June 9 2011, 21:22:06 UTC
For one thing, a culture in which motherhood is a prerequisite for women who seek a measure of power or respect is not a culture that understands women as fully human. You can have an intense case of mammismo and still fail to grasp why sexual assault, or gender discrimination in the workplace, or the relentless depiction of women as bimbos on television is a problem.

This, so much. >___> I hope nobody is surprised that Italy ranks 74th in womens' rights according to the Global Gender Gap Report...


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