Mitt Romney is a Twilight fan

Jun 02, 2011 01:45

Mitt Romney had quite a scandalous revelation to share on this morning's Today show: He does, from time to time, and always while exercising great caution, participate in certain leisurely activities, like watching television and reading novels. Would Mother Mittens approve of this? Let's just say, doubtful.

American Idol is a delightful television ( Read more... )

mitt romney, nbc, republicans. lol, republicans, puttin the ontd in ontd_political

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Comments 89

lickety_split June 2 2011, 05:55:19 UTC
And the Twilight books: such great fun, a real hoot of a time.

He's got a point, tbh. I laughed SO HARD when I read the first book, I thought it was a satire.


anolinde June 2 2011, 06:18:34 UTC
Haha, this. But then it just made me feel so much worse when I realized it wasn't... =/


homasse June 2 2011, 06:54:37 UTC
I could not even get through the first one. I tried, I really did. Then the writing went to shit when Edward showed up.

Hell, even RPattz thought Stephanie Meyers was "mad" after he read the books--he thought she had some sick kind of obsession with Edward. He also hated Edward, and played him as self-hating as a result. XDb

sf_drama taught me everything I ever needed to know about Twilight.


anolinde June 2 2011, 06:59:55 UTC
I developed a ridiculous amount of respect for RPattz when I read the interview in which he pretty much lambasted Stephenie Meyer for publishing her creepy vampire fetish dreams. And when I saw his cracktastic take on Edward in the first movie. XD


executivehpfan June 2 2011, 05:57:10 UTC
Liking Twilight should automatically disqualify anyone from existence, to say nothing of a presidential candidacy.


we_got_caught June 2 2011, 13:22:29 UTC
*ceases to exist*


beautifiers June 2 2011, 15:45:35 UTC
at least until you get a better taste in novels. don't care if that sounds snobby, don't care if you like it for the lulz. just.. don't care.


thecityofdis June 2 2011, 16:38:11 UTC
hahaha, mte.


arisma June 2 2011, 06:06:41 UTC
huh, the chances of me voting for someone actually can go into the negatives. Who knew?


angi_is_altered June 2 2011, 06:11:39 UTC
That is such a funny picture in my head.


whatisurdamage June 2 2011, 06:19:55 UTC
he would.


sauron June 2 2011, 14:06:02 UTC


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