FCC Commissioner who Approved Comcast's Buyout of NBC to Become Top Comcast Lobbyist

May 11, 2011 15:48

After approving NBC buyout, FCC Commish becomes Comcast lobbyist
Meredith Attwell Baker, one of the two Republican Commissioners at the Federal Communications Commission, plans to step down--and right into a top lobbying job at Comcast-NBCThe news, reported this afternoon by the Wall Street Journal, The Hill, and Politico, comes after the hugely ( Read more... )

capitalism fuck yeah, fcc, politics, america fuck yeah

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Comments 38

flying_pandas May 11 2011, 22:03:58 UTC
Well, isn't that cozy


(The comment has been removed)

lone_concertina May 11 2011, 22:45:31 UTC
Not watching 30 Rock, apparently.


evildevil May 11 2011, 22:06:02 UTC
fuck this...


carmy_w May 12 2011, 16:21:22 UTC


ook May 11 2011, 22:30:35 UTC
How is this even legal?


bludstone May 12 2011, 12:45:06 UTC
"We will make it legal."


In economics, regulatory capture occurs when a state regulatory agency created to act in the public interest instead advances the commercial or special interests that dominate the industry or sector it is charged with regulating. Regulatory capture is a form of government failure, as it can act as an encouragement for large firms to produce negative externalities. The agencies are called "captured agencies".


amethyst_amore May 11 2011, 22:33:55 UTC
I second the desire for that tag.


bludstone May 12 2011, 12:53:59 UTC
Looks like ontd_political doesnt know what capitalism is. Like michael moore, folks are confusing corporatism and capitalism.

A system of private property and a free market (capitalism) is not the problem. The problem is the corporation using government to get their way (corporatism)


carmy_w May 12 2011, 16:23:06 UTC
Agreed, bludstone. Capitalism is not the problem-corporatism is.

I'm just gonna go collapse in a dead faint,now. ;)


cyranothe2nd May 12 2011, 22:17:01 UTC
BUT WITHOUT GOVT PROTECTION CAPITALISM TURNS INTO CORPORATISM. This is what you libertarians don't seem to understand. It is the dismantling of protectionist laws that makes this sort of thing possible.


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