One Corporation, One Vote.

Apr 20, 2011 22:52

What the FEC?
The federal elections watchdog makes Congress look like a model of efficiency.

In April 2008, days before a special election in Louisiana's 6th Congressional District, a shadowy group called Freedom's Watch unleashed a nasty attack ad accusing Democratic candidate Don Cazayoux of backing public health care "handouts" for illegal ( Read more... )

this is why we cant have nice things, voting, fcc, fuckery, elections, law

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Comments 2

erunamiryene April 21 2011, 16:56:00 UTC
Woot, yet another reason that I'm not bothering to vote. What's the point? This shit is bought and sold whether or not I stand in line for four hours to get a sticker with a flag on it. And until basically the entire system changes - ie, you can run without needing a bazillion dollars - it's quite simply a waste of my time.


ragnor144 April 21 2011, 17:08:01 UTC
I wonder if McConnell would be so happy if the same type of libelous attack unseated him.


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