How the Free Market Provides Delicious Nucular Radiation for All!

Mar 27, 2011 15:36

Fuck History and Geology, Lets Just Make Tons of Money!

Nuclear Plant and Tsunami Risk: 3,000 Years of Geological History Disregarded

In planning their defense against a killer tsunami, the people running Japan’s now-hobbled nuclear power plant dismissed important scientific evidence and all but disregarded 3,000 years of geological history, an ( Read more... )

earthquake, japan, fail, eat the rich, flames on the side of my face, tsunami, corporations, stupid people, environmentalism, incompetence, nuclear energy, energy, fuckery, natural disaster, national tragedies, corruption

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Comments 6

homasse March 28 2011, 04:03:52 UTC
Go, Tepco, go~ -_-,|,,

The president of Tepco has been pretty much a no-show--he's only made one appearance and has been claiming health issues for why he hasn't dragged his happy ass out and made more than that one, pathetic appearance. (People at work today were crying 'bullshit' at that.)


The president of Tepco has been pretty much a no-show evildevil March 28 2011, 04:21:35 UTC
Last time a CEO showed up in front of cameras after a disaster he claimed he wanted his life back... I am sure maybe that's why...


wemblee March 28 2011, 15:25:25 UTC
Thanks for posting this. I don't know much about nuclear power other than my own knee-jerk feeling of "OH GOD IF SOMETHING GOES WRONG, IT'S NOT WORTH IT, GUYS" and after this disaster, there's been a lot of "THIS IS WHY NUCLEAR POWER IS BAD, Y'ALL" as well as "THIS DISASTER ACTUALLY SHOWS HOW IT'S SUPER SAFE, STOP LIVING IN THE '80S" so I appreciate this article a lot.


aviv_b March 28 2011, 16:26:15 UTC
A little OT - they could have just looked at the depictions in Japanese art.
NPR had a very interesting piece on this over the weekend:


bullshit apostle_of_eris March 28 2011, 17:22:49 UTC
They designed to withstand a gargantuan 18' tidal wave. That's already pretty serious extra expense.
They got hit by a 30' tidal wave, bigger than anyone has ever heard of. And though stuff broke, it didn't totally fall down and poison evertyhing everywhere. That's pretty good.
Have you noticed that the "news" isn't covering the 30,000 dead? The "news" isn't covering the hundreds of square miles of farms and towns and factories and warehouses and cities that just completely aren't there any more? Have you noticed that the "news" contains NO NUMBERS AT ALL?


Re: bullshit angry_chick March 29 2011, 00:15:39 UTC
I don't know what new you're watching, because the Japanese news DOES state numbers. They've been stating numbers.

Do not watch American news if you want at least a sizeable portion of the story on what is going on in Japan, because you won't get it. American news didn't even cover numbers in terms of radioactive units (referring to Sieverts) whereas NHK, Kyodo, etc. did. The only show that I recall having done so is Rachel Maddow's.


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