Comparing Biden and Palin on domestic violence.

Sep 17, 2008 16:26

Former Federal Prosecutor Tania Tetlow Speaks Out About Palin

Sarah Palin has provided the ultimate example of why a female candidate is no substitute for a candidate who cares about women.  Compare Palin and Biden's records on violence against women, an issue on which both sides normally agree.  The political right may not always prioritize the ( Read more... )

joe biden, womens rights, sarah palin / palin family, violence against women act, rape

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Comments 12

celtic_thistle September 17 2008, 21:45:56 UTC
YES. THIS. Biden has an excellent record on women's issues. That's why I'm such a big fan of him for VP. Obama's play for the Hillary supporters is MUCH better thought-out and relevant than McCain's.

Obama: I'll pick a VP with a great record on preventing domestic violence and helping women, as well as defending choice, and that will definitely draw Hillary supporters to me!



dearmisterecho September 17 2008, 21:52:32 UTC
I bet if Palin's daughters were raped, she'd pimp slap them and tell them it was because their skirts were too short.

Biden, on the other hand, would go out and lay the smack down.

I can't wait for the debates. It'll be epic beyond all epicness.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: If that happened, it'd be like this, but photoshopped. bagelofdeath September 17 2008, 22:13:36 UTC
lol. yes


artchess September 17 2008, 22:14:07 UTC
I really don't understand how Palin views some issues, especially as a woman. it's disturbing.

thanks Biden :)


dearmisterecho September 17 2008, 22:15:33 UTC
Oh yeah:

Was she asking for it?
Was she asking nice?
Yeah she was asking for it
Did you ask her twice?


OT but... randomneses September 17 2008, 22:32:02 UTC
For the longest time I thought you were the black guy in that icon until I saw another one of your userpics.


Re: OT but... dearmisterecho September 17 2008, 22:34:46 UTC
LOL no worries, somebody once commented to me going on this long shpiel about how it must have been a joy to meet Biden and blah blah blah...

...and then I told him it was Kanye West in the pic and I was a 20 year old white girl, and we lol'ed together.


Re: OT but... randomneses September 17 2008, 22:38:17 UTC
THAT'S KANYE? Lolz, he looks really dark there but now I see it.

But yeah, I lol'd. XD


moondog September 18 2008, 22:27:08 UTC
Joe Biden wins. At everything.

Also, Tony Knowles > Sarah Palin. Arg. Why did we ever elect her?


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