1. "Introduce Tea Bagging Birther Citizenship Unconstitutional Law" 2. "???" 3. "Freedom!!"

Jan 29, 2011 13:31

Anti-government Ignoramus Paradox: How Ignorant Tea Baggers and Birthers are Increasing the Size of a Bloated and Bureaucratic Government at the Expense of Tax Payers for FREEDOM!

The Birthright Citizenship Debate

In an effort to try to curb illegal immigration, a group of state and federal Republican lawmakers have recently introduced legislation ( Read more... )

tea bagging, constitution, immigration, birthers, law, populism, tinhats, states rights

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Comments 11

xerox78 January 29 2011, 22:10:46 UTC
Money is no object when it comes to keeping THOSE PEOPLE out of MY country. [/teabagger]


evildevil January 29 2011, 22:15:28 UTC
just wait for the tea baggers to start complaining they cannot get access to their Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid because of teh extra bureaucracy


kiri_l January 29 2011, 22:35:55 UTC
I'm buying popcorn in preparation for the moment when a chunk of them discover they're illegal because they've made this retroactive.

I don't want or think this law will fly.. but these people are just that dumb to not realize they could be eradicating their own citizenship


newantt January 29 2011, 23:27:26 UTC
I'm buying popcorn in preparation for the moment when a chunk of them discover they're illegal because they've made this retroactive.

Ha! They'll be one of me :P


filbypott January 30 2011, 00:19:38 UTC
Teabaggers don't know how government works: film at 11.


superfan1 January 30 2011, 04:48:12 UTC


the_glow_worm January 30 2011, 01:17:42 UTC
Honestly, my worst nightmare is that this law would somehow be passed.


azetburcaptain January 30 2011, 08:09:03 UTC
iawtc and I don't even live in the USA


hinoema January 30 2011, 01:47:43 UTC
"They never talk about how expensive this would be, they never talk about funding it, and they never talk about the practical aspects," says Stock. "Even the states that are proposing this haven't talked about how they are going to administer this."

No shit, Sherlock? I've said it before and I'll say ti again- all this time and money wasting garbage is both to prevent any actual positive accomplishment for the next two years and to promote the Tea party and ultraconservative agenda, like one long campaign ad. Of course there's no plan for implementation because this lot has no intent TO implement anything. It's all for show.


nikoel January 30 2011, 17:30:34 UTC
And they'll blame it all on Obama and the Democrats won't contradict it. UGH.


(The comment has been removed)

filbypott January 30 2011, 16:53:58 UTC
I predict a lot of angry Cuban expatriates.


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