Hezbollah Staged a Mock Takeover of Beirut

Jan 19, 2011 11:54

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al Rai reported that Hezbollah activists performed a drill on Monday attempting to take over the Lebanese capitol of Beirut. According to the report, the activists practiced "a real, unarmed drill meant to test their readiness to takeover Beirut and its surroundings, including airports and harbors ( Read more... )

hezbollah, middle east, lebanon

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Comments 3

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thecityofdis January 19 2011, 17:04:40 UTC
Considering that Hezbollah has actually staged a takeover of Beirut before, I'm... not seeing a reason to be all that skeptical, tbqh.


carminaburana January 19 2011, 20:13:29 UTC
Meh. This source is very sketchy and probably biased, given the relationship between the Gulf countries and Shiites/Hezbollah/Iran. I'm from Beirut and this kind of media scare-mongering is not helpful at all when civil tensions are high.


thecityofdis January 19 2011, 21:26:48 UTC
This is good information to have - I appreciate your taking the time to comment!


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