The New Romans- How Far To Go For Gold?

Nov 23, 2010 01:06

The article is old, but I thought it would be interesting to discuss, although it is rather long. The pictures at the source are stunning, but then again, Transylvania is rather stunning ( Read more... )

mining, environment

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Comments 6

fuckfrosti November 23 2010, 21:09:02 UTC
Source link?


azetburcaptain November 23 2010, 21:16:34 UTC
Apologies! I fixed, now. It's the Globe and Mail.


fuckfrosti November 23 2010, 21:17:12 UTC
Cool, thanks! I found it already but thought you might have meant to include it!


azetburcaptain November 23 2010, 21:24:47 UTC
I did, I did, I don't know why I missed it.


psychesky November 24 2010, 00:10:09 UTC
From Wiki population stats, it looks like the Hungarian population of Roşia Montană has dwindled to almost nothing, but I bet the opposition from Hungarians that was mentioned (Soros, etc.) doesn't just come from their experience with pollution. The Hungarian minorities in Romania such as the Székely* have been subjected to assimilation, repression, and coercion to leave their homes in the past.

*The last name of the woman mentioned here may have no relation whatsoever to that ethnicity.


azetburcaptain November 24 2010, 00:47:14 UTC
I consider her Romanian since she has lived there all her life, but her name is Magyar in origin. So her grandparents or parents may be Hungarian.

I don't mean any kind of uglyness by this, by the way, it could be an explanation.


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