Bill O'Reilly: Still an asshole

Oct 14, 2010 12:42

O'Reilly says "Muslims killed us on 9-11," prompting View walk-off, later apologizes

Source - Media Matters

the view, bill oreilly is a terrible human being

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Comments 145

mahasin October 14 2010, 16:48:34 UTC
Dear God I hate Bill O'Reilly.


someidiot October 14 2010, 16:50:11 UTC
I used to just think he was an idiot who made money on underhanded "debate" tactics but wow. I think I may hate him too.


mahasin October 14 2010, 16:51:32 UTC
Yeah, and that was barely an apology by him.

Also, that whole "Listen to me so you can learn something" oh fuck Bill O'Reilly.


chantalzola October 14 2010, 18:09:19 UTC
He;s still better than Glen Beck, as sad as that is.


fakevoices October 14 2010, 16:52:35 UTC
i can't believe this is someone people get their news and form an opinion on a topic from
this is stupid and sad, if i were whoppi and joy i would have done more that walk away
this fuckery can not be accepted


fakevoices October 14 2010, 16:53:25 UTC
oh yea and fuck elizabeth
she was trying to defend him for his dumb comment


rubric_kolinahr October 14 2010, 16:58:51 UTC
That woman will always somehow manage to put her foot in her mouth, even when a blinking red light says, "INCOMING FOOT".


jennifer0246 October 14 2010, 16:53:20 UTC
jfc. still not a mosque, still not "at ground zero", or at "9/11", wherever the fuck that is. at a date, really?


istian chantalzola October 14 2010, 18:11:47 UTC
My dad, who is 88 years old, is anti the whole thing BUT because he is a die hard atheist and doesn't want anything religious by there. Christian, muslim, whatever, he doesn't want it. He's a WW2 vet too. I kind of agree with him. I mean his reasoning is the only one I find sensible for not having it. His whole thing is that the US has a lot of memorials that aren't religious. He'd protest the same if it was a church being built. Why can't we have a non-religious memorial going up? That's his thinking. i know it's not supposed to be a memorial.


Re: istian jasoncourtney October 14 2010, 19:12:12 UTC
this whole thing makes no kinda sense.


Re: istian chantalzola October 14 2010, 19:16:16 UTC
Sorry =(. Not sure what part makes no sense, my wright up or the fact that my dad is an insane elderly atheist.


lovedforaday October 14 2010, 16:54:16 UTC
he would go ballistic if someone said a Christian killed Dr. Tiller.

O'Reilly may be the "reasonable" voice of the Fox News opinion people, but he's still a guy who says shit like this, calls an abortion provider baby killer and said Shawn Hornbeck liked being held captive.


rubric_kolinahr October 14 2010, 16:59:53 UTC
It's kind of sad that the "reasonable" voice says something like this on a regular basis. /sigh


chantalzola October 14 2010, 18:13:29 UTC
And writes horrible books about his horribly boring life. Oh no, a nun slapped him with a ruler. My mom had nuns put gum in her hair, etc. Whatever, O'Reilly, you suck. You're still better than Beck and Nacy Grace though. God that's sad.


bestdaywelived October 15 2010, 00:56:26 UTC
He said WHAT about Shawn Hornbeck? Holy FUCKING SHIT.

I know that he's an asshole, but attacking a child who was held against his will and raped for years is just ... low. Damn.


popehippo October 14 2010, 16:55:56 UTC
Transcript? 8( Boo at not having video.


miss_nyxie October 14 2010, 17:07:40 UTC
He's saying that people are seeing a widening gulf between the president and them. He uses the 'mosque' as an example and that 9/11 families don't want it, Joy says "this is America, this is America" and bill says "listen to me, and you'll learn" in a really condescending way. He's saying that everyone in the country did a collective "wut" when the president said he wouldn't comment on the 'morality' of the "mosque". Whoopi points out that 70 families that had someone die in the towers were Muslim, he says 70% of Americans don't want the "mosque" there. Joy wants to see that poll, Bill says he'll show it to her later. Then they start arguing, Whoopi says it's bullshit, Joy says she doesn't want to sit there and listen to it, she gets up, says it again, Whoopi says "lets go" and her and Joy leave. Barbara says that shouldn't have happened and they should be able to debate without screaming and walking off stage, then tells Bill that it was extremists that did it and Bill basically says "whatever".


popehippo October 14 2010, 17:13:28 UTC
Fuck yeah, Joy and Whoopi. They have more patience than me.


chantalzola October 14 2010, 18:15:37 UTC
Thank you. I couldn't watch it either. I kind of agree with Ms. Walters, they should be able to have a debate without people walking off, BUT if someone is being a fucking idiot, it's kind of hard not to walk off =/


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