NASA called in to support 33 trapped Chilean miners

Aug 28, 2010 12:14

NASA called in to support 33 trapped Chilean miners

The 33 miners trapped inside a Chilean mine since August 5 have been told for the first time that they could be stuck underground for as long as four months, the head of the rescue operation said Friday ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

fynoda August 28 2010, 05:13:50 UTC
NASA is being called feed them? We can put people on the moon, and we can drill for oil in the ocean, but we can't pull some poor miners out of a HOLE in less than four months? We don't have the technology for that? Son, I am disappoint.


strannik01 August 28 2010, 05:41:11 UTC
We don't have the technology for that?

They have to be dug out without collapsing the mine, which isn't easy and the kind of thing you really, really don't want to screw up by being rash.


fynoda August 28 2010, 06:37:43 UTC
I understand that the whole rest of the mine caved in or just an area blocking their exit?


shoujokakumei August 28 2010, 06:18:02 UTC
I guess if anybody knows about keeping people alive and reasonably happy/sane in a small space with limited supplies over a long period of time, it's probably NASA?

That's just an awful situation all around, though. :|


thebratqueen August 29 2010, 03:36:35 UTC
I can't imagine what it was like when they found out how long it would take to get them out of there. Talk about the stuff of nightmares.


danyjoncew August 28 2010, 15:46:23 UTC
This story is so, so horrible. And over here people keep talking about sending them ~good vibes~ and messages and trying to talk about it in a more humorous and lighter way but gah... it's such a horrible, unimaginable situation =(((((((.

I hope nobody gets sick and that they can keep the place clean enough but mostly I hope they don't freak out. And when they come out, they should get to travel around the world with their families for free =D.


starryniteynite August 29 2010, 03:54:15 UTC
Those poor miners are in my prayers--it's tragic that they're in such dire straights, considering how overlooked their economic conditions much as it's great NASA can help, the fact is, none of these men were trained for this--I can't even imagine how hard this will be for them.

And I'm glad they finally told them the truth about how long the rescue would take--that was one of the biggest issues NASA had with being called in.


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