
Aug 02, 2010 10:31

UAE says BlackBerry ban will affect visitors too

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates - The Emirates' looming ban on BlackBerry e-mail, messaging and Web browsing services will extend to foreign visitors too, said the country's telecom regulator, raising the stakes in its dispute with the maker of the popular business tools.
Device maker Research in Motion ( Read more... )

saudi arabia, wtf, technology / computers, united arab emirates

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Comments 10

layweed August 2 2010, 19:30:32 UTC
It's stupid enough that they want to ban it for residents, now they want to make it apply to tourists and visitors too? YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING?


sovietbloc August 2 2010, 19:46:51 UTC
why is saudi arabia tagged? wrong country bb.


carminaburana August 2 2010, 20:48:03 UTC
They banned it too and are mentioned at the end of the article.


sovietbloc August 2 2010, 23:31:05 UTC
owned, sorry. that was the only part of the article i seemed to have missed. myyy apologies!


randomneses August 2 2010, 19:56:37 UTC
Good thing I have no interest in going there because I love my blackberry.


jesidres August 2 2010, 20:40:20 UTC
That's the stupidest decision ever- BlackBerrys are the most common phone for the business world- outselling all other brands for business phones 2 to 1. They've just shot their foreign development in the foot.


carminaburana August 2 2010, 20:49:15 UTC
My cousins in both Dubai and Saudi are all pretty infuriated over this and i don't blame them.


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