Tony Blair's security team cost the taxpayer £250,000 a year

Jul 04, 2010 02:02

Bodyguards hired to protect former prime minister Tony Blair are costing the taxpayer £250,000 a year in expenses, according to reports.

The bills for an elite protection squad, which travels with Mr Blair on luxury holidays and international business trips, are almost twice those submitted by officers protecting his successor Gordon Brown while he ( Read more... )

taxes, tony blair

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Comments 12

orwellian_trash July 4 2010, 08:03:57 UTC
a £38 Little Chef meal, including a chocolate milkshake.

Haha, wtf? Can you imagine going into a Little Chef somewhere and finding Tony Blair slurping away at a chocolate milkshake? Crazy. I was also going to ask how its possible to rack up a £38 bill, but then I remembered his five bodyguards probably all wanted Olympic Breakfasts.


vict0ry_gin July 4 2010, 14:13:58 UTC
Little Chef! Omg D:


lisaee July 4 2010, 15:56:45 UTC
I'm also wondering how anyone could end up with a £38 bill for Little Chef. How bizarre it would be to pull off some lonely motorway in the Midlands and encounter Blair and his entourage.


orwellian_trash July 4 2010, 19:48:57 UTC
There'd probably be a helicopter gunship hovering overhead to clue you in, first.


jslayeruk July 4 2010, 09:20:39 UTC
It's worth pointing out that you're unlikely to get receipts for anything from Sierra Leone, the place is still pretty fucked up post-war/colonial decline.

"The bills for an elite protection squad, which travels with Mr Blair on luxury holidays and international business trips, are almost twice those submitted by officers protecting his successor Gordon Brown while he was still in office, it has been alleged."

No shit. Brown's Scottish. I think Clunking Fist can defend himself.

(Also, you know, a lot more people want to hurt Tony Blair than Gordon Brown!)


supermouse July 4 2010, 11:12:42 UTC
I wonder how many disabled people's benefits that would pay for.


Why are we paying for him, again? jazzypom July 4 2010, 11:30:56 UTC
It's not as if he hasn't benefited from that clusterfuck which was Iraq already?


comaeffigy July 4 2010, 12:20:30 UTC
Eh, I think the wages of a suitable amount of security should be paid, and basic costs. But luxuries should not be paid for and he of those who wish him to speak should pick up the difference.


mindrtist July 4 2010, 19:57:44 UTC
Just about what I was going to say. There is no reason it's extravagant to have security for him. He does have a lot of haters!

And to that, I say: "Thank you Bush for being very quiet during this gulf thing"


aella_irene July 4 2010, 21:35:18 UTC
I think they should look at the money they're paying for the security details of other former PMs, and pay his no more than that.


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