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Comments 3029

so_bambiesque May 6 2010, 09:05:13 UTC

And I needed to be so productive at work today. *Sigh*


chimbleysweep May 6 2010, 09:08:08 UTC
omg a live post for my birthday! You guiseeeeeeeeeeee you shouldn't have.


so_bambiesque May 6 2010, 10:04:51 UTC
Happy birthday!


angel_dreamer May 6 2010, 10:19:41 UTC
Happy birthday :)


_sockmonk_ May 6 2010, 11:42:17 UTC
Happy birthday :D


shirozora May 6 2010, 09:08:21 UTC
Good luck, y'all!


zestylime May 6 2010, 09:10:05 UTC

FUCK YOU CAMERON, you wanker


angel_dreamer May 6 2010, 09:14:24 UTC
This comment made me laugh. Although seriously, I hope Cameron does fuck off. *fingers crossed*
Gonna vote after my exam this afternoon woooo.


so_bambiesque May 6 2010, 09:13:55 UTC
Ok, can a US (or anyone else who doesn't live in Britain, I guess) tell me something...

How much coverage has there been in the mainstream media? Has it been featured on news bulletins (that cannot be slept right) and been prominently shown in newspapers? Eg. If you weren't members of ontd_political and didn't go out of your way to look at this stuff, would you know as much about the election?

I think back to 2008 and the US election was everywhere in the UK. Obama sneezed and it was practically the main headline, whereas I would be surprised if we generated the same amount of coverage. *Shrugs* Just wonderin'


arathesane May 6 2010, 09:28:10 UTC
I am not sure I can accurately say because I always supplement my media intake with UK sources anyway(and I'm a news junkie), but it seems to have been covered a lot. More than it usually has been in the past. They aired the debates on CSPAN(not live, of course) and it's been featured on every major network, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, all the major dailies, and I have no idea about FOX but I am guessing they have covered it. And of course, it has been featured on The Daily Show!

But I am reasonably sure that is not anywhere near the same level of coverage. Beyond Obama's appeal and star power there's the fact that our election season literally goes on for years. Yours, in contrast, is so short that it, well, it doesn't take our media by surprise exactly but they're not as prepared for it.


akuma_river May 6 2010, 09:38:32 UTC
It was too live!

The last one at least and then they re-run it.


arathesane May 6 2010, 09:40:54 UTC
Oh, I watched the last one via the BBC webstream, I thought they had just re-ran it because they re-ran the others. Of maybe I am wrong about those too? I didn't realize that one was live because my cable was out for most of it!


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