Rubio mocking and almost-implicit Mean Girls references? this story... it was made for me. drr drr.

Mar 09, 2010 08:45

Crist suggests Rubio may have used money for back wax

Governor Charlie Crist took a stab at his opponent for the Republican U.S. Senate nomination. He was interviewed on Greta Van Susteren’s show, “On The Record,” Monday night.

Crist used the opportunity to go after Marco Rubio, saying Rubio may have used a Republican Party credit card for personal expenses.

“He charged a $130 haircut, or maybe it was a back wax. We’re not really sure what all he got at that place,” said Crist.

Van Susteren followed up the statement by asking if he was being “flip.”

“I don’t know what it was,” said Crist. “Initially we were told it was a haircut and then he said, ‘Well no, it wasn’t a haircut.’”

Rubio was quick to respond to Crist’s statements, saying the governor has been reduced to making up stories about his opponent’s grooming habits .


marco rubio, trolls gone wild, charlie crist, lulz, florida

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