Whats wrong with this picture?

Feb 16, 2010 13:39

[Besides the fact that the people are applauding? ]

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photoshop disasters

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Comments 9

orange_fell February 16 2010, 21:55:12 UTC
Milosevic, hell, the Soviet Union was INFAMOUS for this stuff. You can't see any crowd-expansion tricks in the photos at this site, since it's mainly focused on the removal of people, but there are many of them in the collection of photos this exhibit is based on, The Commissar Vanishes.


freeze_i_say February 16 2010, 22:01:24 UTC
The fact that Silvio is one of the most long-serving Prime Ministers in Italy speaks volumes about Italians.


leviicorpus February 16 2010, 22:21:10 UTC


perfectisafault February 17 2010, 01:26:38 UTC
omg grooooosss


bnmc2005 February 17 2010, 00:03:28 UTC
At least in Stalin's time photo-darkrooms and artistry needed to fudge a photo wasn't available on a mass scale. He could actually get away with fooling people in his time and when he didn't people sure as hell weren't gonna call him on it..

For a politician to attempt this shit today, when most internet savy know what Photoshop is if they're not using it themselves, is just asking for bad publicity.

[p.s. please feel free to enter your own "this looks shopped" macros now]


Happy to oblige :D iweep4u February 17 2010, 00:31:31 UTC

... )


Re: Happy to oblige :D leelakin February 17 2010, 02:04:43 UTC


Re: Happy to oblige :D bnmc2005 February 17 2010, 14:57:06 UTC
love it!


iweep4u February 17 2010, 00:29:30 UTC
Didn't Iran try this over the summer, too? And one time to make it look like they were shooting off more missiles than they actually were?


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