Nothing witty to say *sharpens stake*

Jan 13, 2010 16:58

Yes, Calling Rachel Maddow a Man Is Homophobic
Somebody must have tied Tucker Carlson's bow tie a little too tightly yesterday. What else could explain his decision to run a column by the Weekly Standard's Matt Labash on his new Web site, The Daily Caller, that was not only homophobic, but insensitive to rape victims?
Carlson had hoped his new Web Read more... )

homophobia, rachel maddow, tucker carlson

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Comments 44

ceilidh_ann January 13 2010, 22:06:25 UTC
Keith put it very nicely.

God, I love watching that weasel Carlson being owned. I might go watch the Jon Stewart clip now.


popehippo January 13 2010, 22:10:30 UTC
Oh, Keith called him out? I had a feeling he wouldn't react to Rachel being insulted well. XD


ceilidh_ann January 13 2010, 22:16:35 UTC
The appropriate phrase for what Keith said is "OOOHHH BURN!"

He's like a chubby knight in a brown suit, it's kind of fantastic.


brecho January 13 2010, 22:49:13 UTC
Oh god I didn't even think of him! He always gets riled up when people diss Rachel (not that he wouldn't if it wasn't her imo it's just she's his bb). COME ON INTERNET CONNECTION LET ME WATCH THIS.


theartistprince January 13 2010, 22:07:22 UTC
I'll let Jon do the talking:


iweep4u January 13 2010, 22:14:18 UTC
*nostalgic sigh* That was such a thing of beauty ♥

I needs me more JStew gifs. DO NOT DISAPPOINT, ONTD_P! :D

... )


synekdokee January 13 2010, 22:23:10 UTC
synekdokee January 13 2010, 22:23:25 UTC

ook January 13 2010, 22:08:10 UTC
Hurrrrr. Only boys have short hair! :P


derogatory January 13 2010, 22:10:07 UTC
oh good, because i've been wondering if Tucker Carlson was still a dick.


ceilidh_ann January 13 2010, 22:15:29 UTC
He's not just a dick, he's a sellout dick!


yunghustlaz January 13 2010, 22:17:28 UTC
The only thing we learned was that his bow tie was not the source of his powers--his dickisness is innate!


squid_ink January 13 2010, 22:14:27 UTC
it's not just homophobic... it's amazingly inaccurate


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