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Dec 01, 2009 13:45

Jason Chaffetz: Bring home Afghan troops

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afghanistan, utah, troop withdrawal

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Comments 32

squid_ink December 1 2009, 19:50:12 UTC
for a second there I thought he was one of the Backstreet Boys (or was it INSYNC?)

and sadly, I agree with him

FWIW - the only place I see Maddow's show is here, on occasion.


allagainst December 1 2009, 19:53:15 UTC
for a second there I thought he was one of the Backstreet Boys (or was it INSYNC?)

Ahaha yesss, he believes that some girls dance with women.


muppetfromhell December 2 2009, 05:22:15 UTC
Largely because he so totally is one.

(hey, I called Lance being gay like 4 years before he came out, so I have been waiting patiently for confirmation of this theory)


haruhiko December 1 2009, 20:44:34 UTC
(or was it INSYNC?)

You say Jason Chaffetz
I say J.C. Chasez
let's call the whole thing off~


winniechili December 1 2009, 19:55:04 UTC
I wonder if he's made any statements on this matter before, like when he was running.


schmiss December 1 2009, 20:08:10 UTC
Well in his primary run the debate was mostly about illegal immigration

and if he did much campaigning the general, I doubt there was a lot of talk about Afghanistan among the voters of rural Utah.


urban_stoop December 1 2009, 20:10:19 UTC
MTE about Rachel's show. That's the problem with her, no matter how much I love- when she's good, she's really good, but when she blows it... yeah. Enough with TEH FAMILY already!


akuma_river December 2 2009, 02:02:56 UTC
TEH FAMILY drafted a Ugandan Bill to commit genocide against the gays!


iweep4u December 1 2009, 20:18:27 UTC
Oh god! A Republican that isn't in lockstep with the rest of the party! WHATEVER WILL THEY DO??

I mean, seriously. Are Republicans just saying the opposite of whatever Obama says now? Is that their new platform?


(The comment has been removed)

iweep4u December 1 2009, 20:54:31 UTC
Well, fair enough. But this seems like a spectacular flip-flop even for them.

I feel like Obama could issue a statement saying that puppies are awesome and they would draft a resolution that puppies are un-American.


saramiskismet December 1 2009, 22:01:47 UTC
Seriously, it just feels like whoever's not in charge is against anything about the war.


cure_my_tragety December 1 2009, 20:46:31 UTC
This guy is my congressman...


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