Meghan McCain's 15 Minutes

Oct 18, 2009 13:35

She’s not a shrewd operator, she’s a lost little girl.Meghan McCain, I was so wrong about you. Just a little more than a year ago, during her father’s failed campaign for president, I wrote a piece for Slate about how McCain had learned to cannily manipulate her very blond public image to its full advantage while still maintaining a modicum of ( Read more... )

meghan mccain, twitter

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Comments 89

siderealdays October 18 2009, 05:04:50 UTC
I don't know anything about Meghan McCain or her attempts at politics (and I haven't seen the picture), but the commentary in this article is ridiculous. She's wearing some kind of low-cut t-shirt and she took a picture from an angle that's flattering to her face, so that = softcore porn??? And this - "in the bombastic manner favored by teenage girls who are so cripplingly racked with self-doubt that it takes a missile-silo full of oomph to cover it up." Oh really? Any teenage girl who has self-confidence is really just so crippled that she can't, um... talk or do things except when she's talking or doing things?

What teenager isn't a little insecure? Why is it specifically girls? Would someone have cared to write this article if Meghan were a young man with a completely bare chest?


mycophobia October 18 2009, 05:39:28 UTC
Would someone have cared to write this article if Meghan were a young man with a completely bare chest?

Er, I would. o___o

I mean, I agree with you for the most part, but I think it would go equally for both sexes. In my head anyway.


box_in_the_box October 18 2009, 06:07:27 UTC
As I said below, maybe it's just me, but I think it's kind of bullshit that Meghan McCain's supposed credibility as a political pundit is being tainted by her snapping a MySpace shot of herself in a tanktop, when warmongering gargoyles like Charles Krauthammer and Bill Kristol can spout 100-percent provably untrue rhetoric for years, which has directly led to the deaths of millions of military members and civilians as a result of our country's policy-makers taking them and similarly devoid-of-conscience fuckholes seriously for years, and yet, THEY'RE still treated like legitimate commentators.



taiki October 18 2009, 08:00:42 UTC
Why aren't Conservatives attacking Obama for showing off some of that hot beefcake when he was in Hawaii? it's totally stupid.


anandrine October 18 2009, 05:12:12 UTC
What I know about McCain is based on some news articles and Twitter, so my knowledge on her individually is limited. But this article is just a tad offensive in other ways.

The problem is that she’s trying to have it both ways. She wants to be taken seriously on matters of policy and to have a voice in the Republican Party-at least so she tells us-and people seem more than willing to give her one, but she also wants to go on the Tyra Banks show and talk about her hair extensions.

Oh please. While no female politician should be bugged about beauty stuff or forced to feel like they have to talk about it, at the same time, if they want to, that doesn't make them any less serious or intelligent. If they can talk about politics seriously, that's what matters. I can have an equal interest in fashion/pop culture and politics. Shocker!

she sent out what amounted to a soft-core mass-sext to her 65,000-plus followers, a clear cry for attention, whether of the good or bad, no. Was it intentional? idk, maybe; there was a fair amount of ( ... )


randomneses October 18 2009, 05:12:43 UTC
The problem is that she’s trying to have it both ways. She wants to be taken seriously on matters of policy and to have a voice in the Republican Party-at least so she tells us-and people seem more than willing to give her one, but she also wants to go on the Tyra Banks show and talk about her hair extensions.

I'm def not exactly a fan of Megan but I really don't see why that is relevant to whether or not her opinions have merit.


misatojaganshi October 18 2009, 05:26:17 UTC
women can't be smart if they like pop culture and talk about beauty related things! omgggg she should only be watching and engaging in political shows duh!


scullies October 18 2009, 07:03:38 UTC
My favorite part of all this is that if she had unruly hair or was unattractive or flat-chested, she'd no doubt get tons of other sexist shit about what a "dog" she is.

You can't win, man.


lisaee October 18 2009, 10:39:07 UTC
That got me. I mean, there are plenty of people her age who care about both, in this instance, politics, and their image. It's hardly ~mindblowing~


mercystars October 18 2009, 05:24:01 UTC
Oh for fuck's sake, show the world one titty pic and you're labeled for life. JFC.


misatojaganshi October 18 2009, 05:24:41 UTC
omg she's a 24 yo who exercised poor judgment, is this article really necessary? also it sucks that because she has big breasts any showing of them automatically equals unclassy and slutty, wtf? D:
also this article needs to quit it with if you embrace and show any form of sexuality then you totally can't be taken seriously as a woman and your intelligence is automatically questioned D: why does it always have to be one or the other? women aren't that one dimensional


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