"Gays ruin marriage!" 'ORLY? PROVE IT.'

Oct 15, 2009 09:57

Judge refuses to dismiss gay marriage ban suit

He asks lawyers to show how gay unions pose threat to traditional ones
SAN FRANCISCO - A federal judge challenged the backers of California's voter-enacted ban on same-sex marriage Wednesday to explain how allowing gay couples to wed threatens conventional unions, a demand that prompted their lawyer to ( Read more... )

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Comments 68

someidiot October 15 2009, 14:55:27 UTC

piratesswoop October 15 2009, 14:59:56 UTC

... )


brewsternorth October 15 2009, 15:02:45 UTC
Well done that judge!

(also, iconlove to the OP.)


jesidres October 15 2009, 15:04:47 UTC
It was either that icon or the 'Citation Needed' one, and since Rachel's been sick, she should get to react to such awesome news.


brewsternorth October 15 2009, 15:10:27 UTC
ITA! Where'd you gank it from? I forget the thread, but I remember a whole series of Maddow!flail icons...


jesidres October 15 2009, 15:20:29 UTC
My friend ivydoor (who runs universeunfolds) made them for me last Shenanigans post, as can be found here: http://community.livejournal.com/ontd_political/4304323.html?thread=255327427#t255327427


lidane October 15 2009, 15:23:32 UTC
FINALLY! I've been waiting for a judge somewhere, anywhere, to make these people prove their claims in court. I can't wait to see how this turns out.

I have yet to hear any arguments against gay marriage that aren't religious in nature, or which don't boil down to either "ZOMG! They can't make babies on their own!" (while conveniently ignoring infertile straight couples, or those who chose to adopt or not have kids) or "Gays are icky, so don't let them get married!" I am looking forward to their proof of actual harm if gay marriage stands.


quizzicalsphinx October 15 2009, 15:29:44 UTC
I've gotten to the point where I wish some of these people would just come out and say, "I think gay sex is icky, therefore I don't want to legitimise it by letting them get married." I mean, just out of a spirit of pure honesty, y'all. I think I would prefer one highly personal and subjective truth to all this pseudo-sociological bantering about how gay marriage somehow undermines traditional marriage.

(Likewise, I wish my mother would just come out and say that she dislikes Obama because he's black, but that ain't happening either.)


theloa October 15 2009, 16:46:12 UTC
Hah! I was thinking the same thing :)


erunamiryene October 15 2009, 15:27:33 UTC
"Prove it's bad, please."

Also, FUCK YEAH on making these assholes prove that ridiculous allegation. If my one conversation of "tell me how it's damaging to straight marriage" is any indication, this'll be epic.


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