2010 Election: Worst Case Scenario an Unlikely Scenario...?

Aug 16, 2009 18:04

Likely Voters and Unlikely Scenarios

As I've been telling people all week here in Pittsburgh, there's ample reason for Democrats to be worried -- perhaps deeply so -- about 2010. Without major intervening events like 9/11, the party that wins the White House almost always loses seats at the midterm elections -- since World War II, an average of 17 ( Read more... )

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Comments 57

volksjager August 17 2009, 01:08:01 UTC
If health care reform end up the big donut, I fail to see what the Dems have to run on . The Republican will say "we saved you from socialist/fascist takeover (take your pick) . 1994 again ??????


bluetooth16 August 17 2009, 01:14:34 UTC
To me, this is nothing short of the BEST CASE scenario! Democrat losses for the win!


bellichka August 17 2009, 02:15:26 UTC



Can't you see that people like you are THE PROBLEM?! You spend so much time worrying about blind devotion to your own party, and so much time needlessly bashing the other party, that you CONTRIBUTE NOTHING.

Name one thing that makes the Republicans better than Democrats. One. And it has to be reality-based, and can't involved "Sarah Fierce." I've got time.


bluetooth16 August 17 2009, 02:22:49 UTC
I'm finished being a Palin stan. The one thing Republicans are better than Democrats concerns taxes. We consistently care about lower taxes.


mal_feasant August 17 2009, 02:27:35 UTC
Oh. Thanks for being so clear and unambiguous.


jaded110 August 17 2009, 01:23:33 UTC
I'll be over here, sobbing.


dwer August 17 2009, 01:27:46 UTC
If the electorate that goes to the polls next November is in fact one which trusts Republicans more than Democrats on education and social security

Except the GOP hasn't given the electorate any reason to trust them. Some form of health care reform will get passed. The economy is (slowly) improving. Our international standing has improved. Obama is by no means perfect, but the GOP doesn't really have ANYONE more attractive then the Democratic incumbents. There's no way in hell that Toomy is going to win a senate race in Pennsylvania.


jaded110 August 17 2009, 01:44:21 UTC
I hope you're right, I really do. I've never been this disappointed in someone I voted for.


dwer August 17 2009, 01:53:06 UTC
well, I didn't even vote for Obama. After his turn-around on the FISA vote, I couldn't do it.

But who else have you voted for? I'm from illinois, so I get to vote for Durbin. I'm fairly happy with him. I didn't vote for Blago, either time. I did vote for George Ryan, who put a moratorium on the death penalty, I was happy about that, but not the truck drivers license thingy.

The last presidential candidate I voted for who won was Clinton I. Didn't vote for Clinton II. I would have happily voted for Jimmy Carter.


jaded110 August 17 2009, 01:57:16 UTC
Actually, I voted for Kerry in 2004, but he lost. President Obama is the first Democratic Presidential nominee I've voted for and supported that won. I didn't vote for Gore because I was too young and I wasn't registered to vote until I was 22.


my_private_muse August 17 2009, 01:55:25 UTC
So depressing. I can't take it brb True Blood.


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