What do you generation X and Y people think about this?

Jul 19, 2009 20:01

Generation Y Is Generation Big Government

July 14, 2009 09:49 AM ET | Matthew Bandyk | Permanent Link | Print

The federal government is capturing an increasing amount of the remaining job creation in cities around the country. But perhaps more significantly, it's also increasingly capturing the minds of those coming of age. Business school apps might ( Read more... )

economy, youth

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Comments 158

ididthatonce July 20 2009, 01:29:37 UTC
"Generation Y" is one of my least favorite terms, along with "making love." That's all I have to say.


amphigory July 20 2009, 01:32:33 UTC
I aim to find an article about how much Generation Y makes love.


keeni84 July 20 2009, 01:48:00 UTC
me too!


boyracer1211 July 20 2009, 01:35:27 UTC
I hate being part of "Generation Y". Not because we suck or anything, but because the name is so stupid. It lacks imagination!


box_in_the_box July 20 2009, 01:29:51 UTC
LOL at the Baby Boomers complaining about ANYONE ELSE EVER having a greater sense of entitlement than THEMSELVES. My parents and a few other exceptions aside, the best possible remaining contribution that they could hope to make to society now would be to DIE. I'm sadder that the WWII generation dying off than I am at the eventual prospect of the Baby Boomer generation going away.


capthek July 20 2009, 01:34:46 UTC
It is rather ironic that is their primary complaint about other generations.


missmurchison July 20 2009, 01:39:55 UTC
As a Boomer, I have to agree, at least about the sense of entitlement. (I'm not so crazy about the dying off part, at least as it applies to me and my nearest and dearest.)

I'm not looking forward to the whining when my contemporaries retire, only to realize they squandered their money gambling on the stock market and buying McMansions that are now worth less than the mortgages.


box_in_the_box July 20 2009, 01:43:58 UTC
Yeah, I do go overboard a bit at times. ;)

Then again, I'm guessing you didn't sell out your ideals and vote for Reagan? Which would put you in that "few other exceptions" category.

I'm REALLY not looking forward to when MY generation gets old, since we're arguably as conservative as the Boomers - but at least my contemporaries tend to be APATHETIC.

And I just rewatched "Planet of Evil" yesterday, so I recognize the exact moment that your icon is from:

"I'm telling you there's no more anti-matter on board!"
"And I'm telling you there is!"


dickbitchmolly July 20 2009, 01:33:43 UTC
In the same poll today, Gen Y prefers the State Department, Teach for America, and the Peace Corps. That's a problem for a country built on the entrepreneurial spirit.

Those damn kids these days! Hardly any of them are growing up to be privileged self-serving dicks! How DARE they try to help people!


akuma_river July 20 2009, 02:28:27 UTC
Haven't they heard of the internet? Blogging? and all sorts of go it yourself projects that are taking off now? That's entrepreneurial spirit right there.

I say fuck the corporate ideology. They are more 'big brother fuck you over' than big government...plus you can't sue them for violating your civil rights because they are a private entity!


happythree July 20 2009, 01:36:48 UTC
Does it say something about us or does it say something about the private sector?


boyracer1211 July 20 2009, 01:40:20 UTC


jmintmilano July 20 2009, 01:37:43 UTC
I think that my generation (Gen Y) care a lot about doing good in the world and about not screwing other people when it comes to our careers more so than other generations. And money is important to us, but not as important as to previous generations. (Probably because a good deal of us have never had to "struggle")


akuma_river July 20 2009, 02:29:04 UTC

Except I have struggled.


jmintmilano July 20 2009, 02:32:23 UTC
I know there definitely people that have, but compared to earlier generations, we have it pretty easy as a generation.


akuma_river July 20 2009, 02:37:41 UTC
Not really, my family was hit hard by the savings and loan scandal and it took us over ten years to get back on our feet. Then we got hit by a hurricane, insurance didn't cover us, don't have money to fix the roof.

So besides student loans to go to college, internet and cell phones...we are in a bad place and have been for years. We're in the survival stage of money insecurity.

And I've lived this way most of my life. I've never really known peace and security where I didn't have to worry about the rug being pulled out from under my feet.


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