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Comments 35

mistyraven June 24 2009, 16:38:43 UTC
I swear, not all of South Carolina is this bad, some of us actually use our brains to think. Please don't take this guy as an example of what we're like... :/


erunamiryene June 24 2009, 16:39:47 UTC
I'd just like to say I dig South Carolina. (Well, I wasn't too fond of Parris Island, but I think if I HAD liked it I'd be more messed up in the head than I already am.) I miss Charleston like it's cool.


mistyraven June 24 2009, 17:28:16 UTC
Ngl, never really experienced Charleston ^^; Live 6 hours away, and my trips have never taken me down there, really (to the beaches, yes, but not to Charleston). It is lovely on the coast, though.


erunamiryene June 24 2009, 17:30:00 UTC
I had friends that lived down there, and I used to make the trek from Jacksonville NC to there every weekend for about 3 months. Architecture is beautiful, and I just LOVE Southern food. (That's one thing I definitely miss about the South.)

I just think the state is gorgeous. NC through SC remains one of my favorite road trips.


erunamiryene June 24 2009, 16:39:00 UTC
SC gov's disappearance a problem for GOP

This made me say, "OMG REALLY? NO WAY!" in a very sarcastic tone out loud. XD

From Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal's cringe-inducing nationally televised response to Obama's first budget address to Texas Gov. Rick Perry's suggestion that his state might secede, GOP governors - including those said to be eyeing a potential 2012 presidential bid - haven't exactly looked like the political grown-ups many party strategists had promised.

Awww, they didn't mention Perry's backpedaling of "I never said that, you guys. Can't prove it. La la la la la la la." XD

And Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, who won praise for pushing his party to diversify, was viewed as enough of a political threat to Obama in 2012 that the president appointed him to be ambassador to China.

Damn it, Obama, that guy was the best thing to happen to my state. I'm kinda mad at you about this one.


missmurchison June 24 2009, 16:47:53 UTC
Someone just sent me an email from Belgium asking me what's up with this. Yeah, I think it's a problem.


mercystars June 24 2009, 17:46:52 UTC
Most of the time I could give a fuck about this kind of thing, but this time I am really burning with curiosity as to whether or not this idiot really did go to Argentina, why he went, and what kind of lurid details are about to be exhumed (or not)...


mindrtist June 24 2009, 17:49:19 UTC
Good God, my dad keeps his cell and/or out of the country whereabouts known all the time in case one of us kids needs help or is in trouble. We are all adults, but still. Good job on Father's Day weekend Mr. Sanford.

And... doesn't it go against some part of the oath of office to not tell your Lt. Gov that you might be unreachable? I mean shit, Bush was reading about a pet goat and Cheney jumped on the POTUS train in 2 seconds. NOt that that's a great example.

This goose is cooked. Maybe Jindal can exorcise his demons.


brewsternorth June 24 2009, 19:16:35 UTC

And... doesn't it go against some part of the oath of office to not tell your Lt. Gov that you might be unreachable?

I don't know for sure, but basic professionalism would demand that if the leader's out of town, the second banana is notified to hold the fort until such time as zie returns...


mindrtist June 24 2009, 21:08:09 UTC
Totally. Especially since I believe it's the beginning of tropical storm season and he was gone for a LONG time for someone responsible for a whole state! The Lt. Gov should be pissed.

OK, I looked it up, it seems the oath is basically to The Constitution. I'm surprised it doesn't specifically say anything about the people even tho the Constitution does.


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