In letters from jail, Saddam Hussein alleged torture, complained of sleepless nights

May 05, 2009 11:21

In letters from jail, Saddam Hussein alleged torture, complained of sleepless nights

Immediately after U.S. troops captured Saddam Hussein in 2003, Iraq's brutal ex-dictator turned into a crybaby over "beatings" by a "detention gang" and sleepless nights amid screams of torture victims.

Saddam poured out his complaints "to whom it may concern" in ( Read more... )

saddam hussein

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Comments 6

katastrophe1187 May 5 2009, 18:42:35 UTC
Did anyone else cringe while reading this? It reads like a freshman's first paper for Journalism 101.


erunamiryene May 5 2009, 19:01:25 UTC
Okay, sorry, but dude? You fucking randomly murdered people for years. You used ethnic groups you disagreed with as tests for your chemical weapons.

Karma's a bitch, and this wasn't even an equal helping.


bellichka May 5 2009, 19:05:11 UTC
I have always been fascinated by Saddam, and may or may not have dressed up as him for the History Dept. Halloween Party one year in college..... but dude? Cry me a fucking river.


perfectisafault May 5 2009, 21:10:46 UTC
tbh, I'm fascinated by dictators in general. They're all such interesting motherfuckers.


yummymarsbars May 5 2009, 20:32:46 UTC
I hope it was because he recounted the following events:
- Ordering the deaths of Iraqi government officials over the radio so their family could hear of so right before the firing squad killed them
- Ordering the deaths of countless Iraqi Shia'as and Kurds
- Ordering the pick up and dumping of Iraqi citizens onto the Iran/Iraq border
- Killing millions of people over a senseless war with Iran and Kuwait
- Allowing his people to have an embargo which lasted nearly a decade and destroyed Iraqi families and morale
- Etc.


1sugarplumfairy May 6 2009, 03:07:20 UTC
Homeboy seems to have had a selective memory


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