You are going to hear about this bill FOREVER, or at least until it passes, the end.

Mar 31, 2009 15:30

Jim Webb's courage v. the "pragmatism" excuse for politicians

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russ feingold, jim webb, congress, virginia, crime, justice

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Comments 11

skywaterblue March 31 2009, 21:08:48 UTC
This article fucking rocks, and it depresses me that I'm in here first. I'd love to see a Rachel Maddow and Jim Webb hour on why prison reform matters. That would be really enlightening.


schmiss March 31 2009, 21:24:07 UTC
and it depresses me that I'm in here first

ahaha well yeah I don't post articles like this for the comments (and Greenwald probably doesn't write them for the comments), otherwise I would just be on Meghan McCain report 24/7

omg that would be awesome, no?


snidgety March 31 2009, 21:39:20 UTC
this is SO awesome, this guy is amazing for doing this. people need to pay attention to all the problems in our prisons, and more importantly we need to FIX THEM. this better pass.


rreactiontime March 31 2009, 21:48:07 UTC
I read this article in Parade and it made me so excited that we do have someone like Webb, doing the things he promised to do. I took this class last year and one whole unit was on how messed up the prison system is and how it needs serious reform...and I don't think we even scratched the surface on the issues.


excusemesenator March 31 2009, 21:59:51 UTC
Webb 2016....?!


schmiss April 1 2009, 01:16:43 UTC
UGH, if only. I don't think he likes campaigning enough for that, though. Maybe the 2016 nominee's VP or part of his/her cabinet?


zgirl714 March 31 2009, 23:08:30 UTC
Finally some sensibility and testicles in congress.


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