Joe's got jokes.

Mar 22, 2009 18:45

Article round-up for the Gridiron Club dinner held last night, an off-record annual event.

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama didn't have time to join a roast of prominent officials by the journalists who cover them, cracks Vice President Joe Biden, because Obama is getting ready for Easter ( Read more... )

rahm emanuel, joe biden, media, lulz, timothy geithner, arnold schwarzenegger

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Comments 35

ladypolitik March 23 2009, 00:21:03 UTC
And Biden even poked fun at himself. "I'd like to address some of the things I said: Like when I said that 'JOBS' is a three-letter word. I did say that. But I didn't mean it literally. It's like how, right now, most people think AIG is a four-letter word,".

"Or when I announced our stimulus package website, I was asked how you get to it: All I said was I didn't know the website number. What I really meant to say was, 'Ted Stevens didn't tell me what tube the website is in.'"

... )


zestylime March 23 2009, 00:49:18 UTC

i missed the tubes joke first time through. ty xDD


coervus March 23 2009, 01:58:03 UTC
LOL, I love that macro even more than the corresponding one of Joey. NO WAIT.



(The comment has been removed)

coervus March 23 2009, 01:59:36 UTC
D: All we can get are the lyrics:

Imperial Girl
(Material Girl)

Nancy Pelosi:
Some think President Obama
Tells me what to do
Like he can send me legislation
And I'll just ram it through

I've got news for anyone
Who plays me for a fool (mini-chorus: Or tool)
You come into my house, baby
You play by my rules

Democrats are living in an imperial world
And I am the imperial girl
Yes Democrats are living in an imperial world
And I am the imperial girl

Harry Reid may "run" the Senate
That's like herding cats (mini-chorus: or rats)
We send them so many bills
They never send them back

Maybe he can win some votes now
But there's no guarantee
So I say that size does matter
With your majority
Democrats are living in an imperial world
And I am the imperial girl
Yes Democrats are living in an imperial world
And I am the imperial girl

Democrats are living in an imperial world
And she is the imperial girl
Yes Democrats are living in the an imperial world
And she is the imperial girl


No, Obama had plans way before jazzypom March 23 2009, 09:30:41 UTC
Something to do with the girls' school holidays?


ubiquitous_a March 23 2009, 15:26:03 UTC
It was already planned before going on Leno, because people were grumbling earlier last week about the fact that he was missing the dinner.

Here's the link to the story that came out on the 17th (last Tuesday), and it turns out it is because his kids are out on Spring Break that week.


greenconverses March 23 2009, 00:28:10 UTC
"Now let's see: we have a Republican speaker who was born in Austria, and tonight's Democratic speaker was born in Canada," Biden observed. "Folks, this is Lou Dobbs' worst nightmare."



syndicalist March 23 2009, 02:22:39 UTC
that is pretty funny. i wonder who wrote this stuff


erinpuff March 23 2009, 00:31:17 UTC
I fucking love this stuff. :D :D :D "You can't housebreak a puppy on the Internet!" ^_______^ AND LOL, SERIES OF TUBES JOKES WILL NEVER GET OLD.


coervus March 23 2009, 00:54:08 UTC
My fave two parts. I lol'd irl forever.


escherichiacola March 23 2009, 00:31:58 UTC
That was quite awesome.

Biden noted, likening the experience to “listening to ‘Sesame Street’ where every day is brought to you by the letter ‘F.’”

LOL. Ok, NOW I want an internship at the White House.


flowerings March 23 2009, 00:53:07 UTC
That was brilliant. XD


ifeltitslipaway March 23 2009, 04:14:49 UTC

Or I'd settle for someone following Rahm around for a day and video taping it. Without his knowledge.


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