Obama’s Right-Wing Dinner Friends Rip His Stimulus Package: Worst Bill In ‘Galactic History’

Jan 25, 2009 11:36

Several days before taking office, President Obama traveled to George Will’s home to dine with a handful of conservative media elites. The beltway conventional wisdom suggested that Obama’s aim was to “neutralize potential adversaries” by way of a “charm offensive.” After the dinner, Bill Kristol explained on Fox and Friends that while “no one’s ( Read more... )

stimulus, barack obama, bill kristol

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Comments 48

squid_ink January 25 2009, 20:32:38 UTC
David Brooks has been as giggly as a school girl about this dinner on NPR and PBS, from what I've seen. All a-titter

its kind of cute in a creepy way

David Brooks. A conservative but I CAN CHANGE HIM


rev_mom January 25 2009, 20:35:05 UTC
seems to me if we had the bucks to run two wars, gitmo, and the war on terror at home, we should be able to find the bucks to put some legs under the economy again.

Money? what's that? Just print some more, for pity's sake... you can pull it back in after the economy gets moving again.

our currency is based on good faith and nothing else. I think I word is going to be good again. Loosen up, guys.


ytterbius January 25 2009, 20:42:11 UTC
Idiots. Still.


bitterspinster January 25 2009, 20:56:00 UTC
Part of me hopes that after President O has extended the olive branch like this a few times and the repugs keep breaking it and throwing it in his face, he'll go on his merry way doing what he really wants and when they cry like little bitches, he can say he tried to reach across the aisle but now he's doing it his way and they can just shove their opinions right up their partisan asses.


hinoema January 26 2009, 06:26:29 UTC
This, please.


jaded110 January 25 2009, 20:58:37 UTC
As Obama has said: "I won." Get the fuck over yourselves.

Also, Charles Krauthammer is one UGLY sumbitch...


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