This Just in: John Cornyn is still a douchebag

Jan 22, 2009 11:00

Senate Republicans Delay Vote on Holder Nomination

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) -- Senate Republicans forced a one-week delay in the Judiciary Committee’s vote on Eric Holder’s nomination to be President Barack Obama’s attorney general.

Republicans complained that the nominee has yet to answer all their follow-up questions about his Jan. 15 testimony, ( Read more... )

eric holder, john cornyn, congress

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Comments 15

winniechili January 22 2009, 17:26:28 UTC
Republicans need to fuck themselves in the ass. They're all running like little bitches because *GASP* Holder might actually prosecute someone for crimes.



dwer January 22 2009, 17:29:20 UTC
Holder's not going to go after the little-fish field officers. Not when he has admitted War Criminal Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush to take.


rosmar January 22 2009, 17:36:19 UTC
What the hell is this guy's problem?


rhyana January 22 2009, 17:42:21 UTC
As a Texan, I can tell you: he's a douchebag. We're trying to vote him out, but there are more douchebags in Texas than we originally thought, so it may take a little while. We'll remove him someday, though.


chaobell January 22 2009, 17:53:37 UTC
This right here.

I tried to make him go away! I could only vote once and stab the button so hard, though. :(


rosmar January 22 2009, 18:42:01 UTC
Aw, I understand. I once got to vote against Jesse Helms in NC, and it felt so good, I asked if I could go back and do it again. (Sadly, no.)


eyetosky January 22 2009, 17:47:28 UTC
I was listening to a complete ass railing on the global warming portion of the stimulus package, and I kept thinking "Who's this douchebag?", until at the end they said it was him I just yelled "Oh, f-ck you, Cornyn!"

I seem to be having a loud day.


mikkeneko January 22 2009, 18:18:23 UTC
Oh Arlen Specter. After eight years and 20,000 miles I still hate you.


alicebluegown16 January 22 2009, 18:37:35 UTC
Yeah, Specter needs to go.

I hate all the Dems who keep insisting we need to be nice to him since he's pro-choice. Dude's a total asshole and a company man down to his bones.


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