Pro-McCain group does the "unthinkable"...

Oct 30, 2008 22:33

Conservative Group To Run Anti-Wright Ads
On National Networks Through Election Day

Get ready for a deluge of Wright rantings.

The National Republican Trust PAC, which has been airing an ad attacking Barack Obama's association with Reverend Wright in three battleground states, has now put down for a national buy on five networks that will last from now through election day, a consultant with the group confirms to me.

The ad will run nationally on Fox, CNN, ABC, CBS, and NBC for the next five days, the consultant, Rick Wilson, says -- "all the way until election day."

The ad, which you can watch here, features the now-infamous footage of Wright's livelier sermons, and intones that Obama "never complained" about Wright "until he ran for President," adding that Obama is "too radical, too risky."

Previously, the ad was only running in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, as Ben Smith reported the other day.

Now, however, the ad will run nationally, Wilson says, adding that the group just got through getting the spot vetted with network lawyers and is good to go.
Late Update: Wilson tells me that the PAC will have spent $2 million on this national buy by the end of tomorrow.

Some people at the SOURCE pointed out that the Wright thing nearly worked for Hillary and that it's still in the minds of some voters, and may damage Obama. The problem with that logic is that this, like Ayers, isn't fresh. People have pretty much made up their minds about this. Also, the economy WASN'T GOING TO HELL  the way it is at the moment, so trying to drudge up another non-issue may not reflect any better on their candidate.

Also...this is going to kill the whole "Obama is a sekrit Muslim terrorist" argument.

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