Strange law about rape in England and Wales

Jul 26, 2019 22:13

Forced penetration: If a woman forces a man to have sex, is that rape?

When a man has penetrative sex with a woman without her consent, that's rape. But what if a woman makes a man have penetrative sex with her, without his consent? That's not rape under the law of England and Wales, but the author of a new study of the phenomenon says perhaps it ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexual assault, uk, rape

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Comments 4

i_llbedammned July 26 2019, 22:16:58 UTC
It is very frustrating that the laws still only have the most rudimentary definitions of rape in most places. It's even worse that people are afraid to call it rape. I am glad these men came forward for research, but I hate the fact that so many think that men "always want it".


pluckygirl July 26 2019, 23:52:05 UTC
A woman can absolutely rape a man. The laws need to change to reflect that. Unwanted intercourse is rape.


oakmouse July 27 2019, 19:20:48 UTC
Yes it is, and the laws on rape should reflect that fact.


thegreymoon July 29 2019, 09:47:21 UTC
Jesus. How is that not rape?? What these men endured is criminal by any definition. I hope 'John' got away with the kid. How horrific! Psychopaths are psychopaths, regardless of gender.


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