Measles outbreak kills almost 1,000 children in Madagascar despite emergency vaccination scheme

Feb 16, 2019 21:26

The Indian Ocean island has Africa’s highest rate of children’s malnutrition, increasing health risk from measles infection

At least 922 children and young adults have died of measles in Madagascar since October, despite a huge emergency vaccination program, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday.

The number of deaths is based on ( Read more... )

vaccinations, health

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Comments 5

oncloud999 February 17 2019, 00:31:52 UTC
damn this is so horrible. meanwhile people in my country are CHOOSING not to vaccinate... the level of dumb, i just can't tolerate it.


soleiltropiques February 17 2019, 05:15:19 UTC
It's mind boggling and infuriating ( ... )


mickeym February 17 2019, 09:03:17 UTC
I can't help but wonder if the anti-vaxxer movement will make us, as a society, revisit the laws we created for tuberculosis, and apply them to other infectious diseases.We need to. I truly believe that ( ... )


soleiltropiques February 27 2019, 08:02:47 UTC
"The thing that is the worst, in my opinion, is that a lot of anti-vaxxers -- the loud, outspoken ones -- are the ones who think they'd rather have a dead child, than a child with Autism (...)"

I agree. This is seriously f*cked up.

I mean, I can understand having to adjust to the diagnosis, but I DON'T understand that.

(Full disclosure: I am not a parent and I don't know anyone who is autistic. I do have a sister who is schizophrenic however. She will never be 'normal'. I know I'm going to be responsible for her when my parents are gone. And her life has value. As much as mine. /my 0.02$)

"She tried to tell me about families she knew who had a child or children on the spectrum, and I couldn't possibly know how that felt because my son is "so high-functioning". I called bullshit and told her she didn't have a clue what his childhood had been like for us... and that was it."

Oh my God. That's just... Wow.

Yeah, I can understand cancelling a friendship when someone comes up with something like this. That's just horrible.


soleiltropiques February 17 2019, 05:20:49 UTC
That is so awful, OP. This is just really horrible.


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