German neo-Nazi Beate Zschäpe gets life for NSU murders

Jul 11, 2018 14:51

Zschäpe is found guilty of killing 10 people, being member of far-right group and bomb attacks

A German court has found the main defendant in a high-profile neo-Nazi trial guilty of killing 10 people - most of them migrants - who were gunned down between 2000 and 2007 in a case that has shocked Germany and prompted accusations of institutional ( Read more... )

evil, nazism, germany, crime

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Comments 1

soleiltropiques July 12 2018, 21:04:10 UTC
This case is just awful.

I had read about this a while back, and the systematic racism of the authorities against people they were supposed to protect, for instance in assuming that the victims had ties to organized crime when there was no evidence of this at all... it is just staggering.

The fact that the domestic spy agencies actively destroyed documents pertaining to the investigation and that they were able to determine how much they wanted to reveal to the trial and investigation is nothing short of shameful.

The fact that (from one of the other links you provided) one spy (i.e. Temme) who was supposed to be gathering information on the neo-nazi groups actually appeared to be a neo-nazi himself and that he doesn't appear to have been prosecuted is mind-boggling.

(Edited for clarity)


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