Germans Appalled by Threat From Trump’s Ambassador to Help Far-Right Nationalists Take Power

Jun 07, 2018 23:47

Germans Appalled by Threat From Trump’s Ambassador to Help Far-Right Nationalists Take Power Across Europe

The German government demanded a formal explanation from the United States on Monday of what, exactly, the new U.S. ambassador in Berlin, Richard Grenell, meant when he promised to use his office to help far-right nationalists inspired by ( Read more... )

usa, germany, incompetence

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Comments 2

tilmon June 9 2018, 18:56:27 UTC
I sincerely wish that democracies would start sending back Trump's ambassadors.


soleiltropiques June 11 2018, 01:58:18 UTC
Ugh. I swear the ONLY good thing about Trump's presidency is that one year of it is over ( ... )


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