Facebook sucks/is a cesspool, is anyone surprised?

Mar 22, 2018 18:09

Cambridge Analytica scandal: the biggest revelations so far

Since Christopher Wylie blew the whistle in the Observer, developments have been rapid. Here’s what we know about the analytics firm, Facebook and Trump’s election team

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Cambridge Analytica whistleblower: 'We spent $1m harvesting millions of Facebook profiles' - video ( Read more... )

technology / computers, scandal, privacy, internet/net neutrality/piracy

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Comments 6

blackjedii March 24 2018, 01:02:06 UTC
On one hand - yeah. This is slimy.
On another hand - why do you think these services want you to "Like" things or display your interests? It's all about datamining and selling - effectively - you.

Srsly. I don't know if others have MVP or Kroger or store cards but... same damn thing. It's jut that Facebook now has gotten caught with its hand in the cookie jar.

Nothing will come of it though. Tech companies are huge donors to Democrats.


blackjedii March 24 2018, 01:05:23 UTC
I'd also add that one of the things I learned about the Clinton campaign post-election is just how much of a money sink the data analytics were.


It's another case of the winner didn't matter because companies were making bank, and largely with political blessings.


soleiltropiques March 27 2018, 21:03:02 UTC

It's also true that we've created the problem, I think. I think it's also true that we have to do something about it -it's really hard to completely avoid technology these days and companies like Google are likely going to track what we do no matter what (i.e. since any query on the internet will wind up going through a computer with Google or some kind of Google tracking at some point).

On the other hand, that doesn't mean we have to throw in the towel IMO: I think we need to do more to protect our data.

I will NEVER understand why people have consistently objected to governments' use of our data, while being quite comfortable with letting shadowy tech firms know everything about them.


soleiltropiques March 27 2018, 21:09:47 UTC
All that to say that I agree with you ( ... )


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