No humanity or compassion in Europe, apparently...

Dec 08, 2017 15:05

No humanity or compassion in Europe, apparently...

OP note: I've put the title of the article under a cut because it might be triggering.
Trigger warnings: child death, racism, violence )

refugees / asylum seekers, *trigger warning: sexual assault, human rights, fuckery, europe, rape, race / racism, human trafficking, sexual assault, *trigger warning: racism, *trigger warning: violence

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Comments 2

amw December 11 2017, 12:34:59 UTC
It is so upsetting to me that Angela Merkel doing the absolute least to help these people resulted in a fucking right-wing extremist party getting into the Bundestag. You only need to sit down for 5 minutes to talk to an African migrant in Italy to understand the shit they are going through and continue to face even once they have arrived in Europe. It's not enough to look at the even-worse xenophobia in the UK or America and pretend Europe still has the moral high ground. We (well post-Brexit i guess it's "they") should be doing so much more.


soleiltropiques December 13 2017, 20:16:30 UTC

It almost feels like they learned all the wrong lessons from what Australia has been doing with regards to this issue.

There is good evidence from studies showing that the more difficult you make it for migrants to get somewhere, the more people will die. It doesn't stop migration attempts -rather it makes people take more risks and more desperate steps to get there.

People who attempt to emigrate do so for varied reasons that boil down to: (1) economic reasons (e.g. I was reading about people who had attempted to migrate from Senegal because there were very few job/economic opportunities there), (2) to escape life threatening situations (e.g. being LGBTQ in many countries for example, or being almost anyone in a country like Eritrea). All of these are entirely valid reasons, where people are simply trying to find somewhere they can have a decent life. Doesn't seem like too much to ask for, does it? And yet...


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