a tale of two corporations

Nov 09, 2017 17:34

Owner Of TJ Maxx Is Still Paying Its Employees In Puerto Rico, Even Those Who Can’t WorkThey may not have electricity or be able to work nearly two months after the devastation brought by Hurricane Maria, but they’re still receiving regular paychecks ( Read more... )

eat the rich, ireland, taxes, fuck this guy, corporations, puerto rico

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Comments 7

calinewarkwc69 November 10 2017, 06:21:34 UTC
I'm so ready to tax all these fuckers and then shop at TJ's


soleiltropiques November 12 2017, 23:42:54 UTC


amw November 10 2017, 11:56:44 UTC
I am so frustrated no one seems to give a shit about these tax-dodging companies. Especially fucking Apple, which has tens of billions of dollars of cash on hand and still tries to weasel out of paying anything to the people of the countries it operates in.

It boggles my mind that cracking down on tax avoiders isn't a non-partisan no-brainer. Literally every single one of us - regardless of our political leanings - would benefit from our respective country's governments cracking down on this. You would think any political party would be overjoyed to get a big bump of tax revenue at the expense of losing no voters whatsoever. But still, nothing happens. It's utterly fucking shameful how little movement governments are making on this, and it's sad to see so few of their constituents holding their feet to the fire.


soleiltropiques November 12 2017, 23:44:24 UTC


soleiltropiques November 12 2017, 23:48:35 UTC
Although I suppose it's not that surprising, I suppose, when one considers that people also don't seem to care much that companies like Google, Apple, Facebook and others are literally spying on them and collecting huge amounts of data on them.


tilmon November 12 2017, 21:04:31 UTC
Looks like I'll be doing some shopping at TJ Maxx. And continuing to not buy anything related to Apple.


soleiltropiques November 12 2017, 23:47:13 UTC
The details in that second article are so disgusting.


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