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Comments 3

ladycyndra July 24 2017, 04:15:33 UTC
I was extremely tired all day. I may have caught something. Always happens every time I go to my in-laws and use their bathroom when there's a group of people also there. Yesterday, was my father-in-law's birthday so they had a party. Last time this happened, I caught the damn flu.


amw July 24 2017, 13:18:27 UTC
I am hideously sunburnt, still. Middle of this week I sat on the beach writing for a couple hours, and just my feet and lower shins were exposed to the sun. It turned out to be one of the worst burns of my life. For three days I felt nauseous and could barely walk, my feet were swollen. Now a lot of the redness is gone but the skin is coming off, and one ankle is still bright red and looks like I legit burned it in a fucking fire. Everyone always thinks I am crazy for wearing jeans when it's 35C and up, direct sun, major humidity. Yeah, this is why. I will forever be brown on top and porcelain underneath. My feet ain't never coming out again, not even to paddle in the ocean.


soleiltropiques July 30 2017, 20:02:08 UTC
Belated, but I just had to say I loved the pic for this post. :-D


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