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Comments 9

lovedforaday July 10 2017, 01:51:02 UTC
Breath of the Wild update.

I'm about 30 hours in and have beat the elephant boss that was among the fish people. I was going to do the rock people boss next, but I was blocked from doing a shrine so I went the opposite direction on the map. So I'm in the desert and outside the lady town in the middle of the shrine outside the bactrian camel boss place.


blackjedii July 10 2017, 02:25:27 UTC
FWIW - save the rock / Goron boss last. Bc a huge portion of it is made So MUCH EASIER when you have access to certain things.

I'd recommend going Gerudo next bc what you get is super helpful. (my general recommended route is Gerudo / Rito or Zora / Goron but ehh)

I'm just waiting for Final Fantasy XII. Balthier and Ashe are my jam


lovedforaday July 10 2017, 02:48:14 UTC
Finding the Zora and the rock folks was an accident. I didn't know where anything was until I found some memories and went back to Impa and got the champion tunic.


ladycyndra July 10 2017, 03:53:00 UTC
LOL @ pic


ladycyndra July 10 2017, 03:56:09 UTC
Not much happening. I am driving around a lot more and driving my family to places. Its nice to be car independent again! Summers here make me feel like after I take a shower, that I've never taken one before in my life. Ugh and there's still August to go through. We might go see Spiderman but I'm meh about it. Went pokemon hunting yesterday with my wonderful friends and I had a lot of fun.


mhfromnh July 10 2017, 12:54:03 UTC
I don't wanna get out of bed. I just wanna stay here with my squishy kitty.


eveofrevolution July 10 2017, 12:56:50 UTC
mhfromnh July 10 2017, 14:00:04 UTC
my squishy cat is also the brat who bullies her brother


moonshaz July 11 2017, 06:51:13 UTC

I'm kind of disgustingly proud of myself at the moment, because the letter to the editor that I wrote recently was published in my local paper and got several favorable comments. I wrote to criticuze my congressweasel, Peter Roskam, for refusing to hold town halls, among other things. He has shown that he has no interest in, you know, actually REPRESENTING the people he was elected to represent or even make a real effort to listen to us. The only opinions he wants to hear are ones that he agrees with;, and when someone voices a differing opinion, he's apt to get all huffy and defensive. It's bull shit, and I'm sick of it.

The letter was actually kind of fun to write, and I plan to do more of this sort of thing as tim goes on. :-D


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