Abortion is a WOMEN'S issue, you arrogant fucking assholes!

Jun 15, 2017 16:19

O.P.: All this time, I thought the biggest assholes in NC were the ones in the statehouse voting in stupid laws about bathroom use. Turns out I was wrong. 😣

Outside A Clinic In Charlotte, 600 Protestors Claim Abortion Is ‘A Man’s Issue’

CHARLOTTE, N.C. ― On any given Saturday morning, Calla Hales is faced with hundreds of protesters outside the ( Read more... )

*trigger warning: sexism, excuze me wtf r u doin, god damn, you stay classy, wtf, womens rights, how is babby formed, reproductive rights, fuck the police, clusterfuck, womens health, sexism, god save us from your followers, abortion

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Comments 7

ladycyndra June 15 2017, 23:45:29 UTC
Men don't want us to have ANYTHING, especially a say over our own bodies. They want to control every fucking aspect. I hate this.


mhfromnh June 16 2017, 13:16:08 UTC

... )


1bigbeatlesfan June 20 2017, 03:24:47 UTC
Was that scene from a movie or did that really happen?


mhfromnh June 20 2017, 03:33:26 UTC
Broad City.


adelheide June 16 2017, 15:08:46 UTC
Leave it to men to make it all about them.


bella_cheval June 22 2017, 16:09:10 UTC
I'd either throw shit on them or puke in their faces.


soleiltropiques June 24 2017, 21:02:10 UTC
God this is so terrible.

Fuck men.


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