Confused Corporate Media is Broken, Doesnt Know What to Do.

Jun 16, 2017 00:35

Damn You Internet. Stop Changing Reality!

Corbyn-bashing 'centrist' media like the Guardian can jog right on
What we need right now is not more centrist op-eds from out-of-touch "liberal" media outlets. What we need is a shift in press so enamoured of its own interests.What failing traditional media have lost in revenue and influence, they have ( Read more... )

media, capitalism fuck yeah, labor, capitalism, corporations, tv, oligarchy, corruption, uk: labour party, elections, incompetence, internet/net neutrality/piracy, uk

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Comments 4

icetypejim June 15 2017, 23:09:48 UTC
Centrism is dying and in true testament to its own ineptitude, it can't figure out why and is instead doubling down on the approaches and policies that are destroying it. Good riddance.

God, can you imagine a genuine, thriving American Left with impact on the political (electoral) landscape?


backincharge June 17 2017, 13:58:32 UTC
Obama will always be the biggest disappointment imo. Constantly trying to appease the right who made it clear from day one they weren't going to work with him. He pretty much killed his momentum though when he got in office and doubled down on more of the same policies to deal with the recession that ultimately improved the economy but did little to fix the biggest problems in most people's lives.


icetypejim June 17 2017, 17:29:48 UTC
He had a mandate! That he didn't use it to just do what he wanted instead of playing nice with a party of racist bed-wetters is so frustrating. His best skill was selling compromised policies to the public as victories. ACA being perceived as a success when it was a heavily compromised version of something that was already an enormous conservative concession to for-profit health insurance companies instead of a genuinely transformative state healthcare plan being just one example of him managing to polish a turd.


soleiltropiques June 24 2017, 03:00:19 UTC
Interesting articles. And the first makes some good points (IMO) about the 'traditional' western press -I was looking at some of The Guardian's commentaries on Corbyn, which are truly disgraceful.

(As a side note, I thought the following was interesting: BBC Trust says Laura Kuenssberg report on Corbyn was inaccurate:

The second article is depressing and pretty damning.


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