Shenanigans Sunday, June 11, 2017: Covfefe Edition

Jun 11, 2017 21:19

i like drink the covfefe I can do it i drink all the coffeens cofveefe I can handle the crffooffffffeee
- birdsrightsactivist (@ProBirdRights) May 31, 2017

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

!shenanigans sunday, lulz, oh shit the internet is here

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Comments 7

blackjedii June 12 2017, 01:30:04 UTC
1) michael bradley just made the slickest goal in US history fight me over this

2) the staycation is almost over and i was trying to get through Fire Emblem Echoes but it is less a strategery and more "the bad guys are gonna zerg rush you into insanity" kind and while I still like it a little better than Awakening.... it is nowhere near as good as 8 / 9 / 10. But I need to finish it before I gear up for Final Fantasy 12.

3) Primary in Virignia on Tuesday. And after that even MORE campaign gear up for November!! ueeeughh

4) Adam West. :/ Roger Moore :/ the guy who played Wallace :/ 2017 wants to torture us all over again


blackjedii June 12 2017, 01:31:15 UTC
also homg world cup commercials already <3 <3 <3


ladycyndra June 12 2017, 02:56:54 UTC
I felt so, so sad when I heard about Adam West. =( "No one mess with Adam We!!"


screw_reality June 12 2017, 01:57:36 UTC
This was my favorite reply to the original covfefe tweet:

Hello? Is this The Orb?
- AltHomelandSecurity (@AltHomelandSec) May 31, 2017

I underwent an operculectomy on the 6th and I really hope it heals up well and the tissue doesn't grow back. If I do ultimately have to have the tooth extracted, I hope it happens while I still have insurance. -.-


ladycyndra June 12 2017, 02:56:03 UTC
We got back from vacation at the coast. It was to celebrate are tenth wedding anniversary!!! Ten years married but in total, we've been together for 16 years. Went to the beach and I got a nice tan. My poor husband cant tan to save his life and got burnt instead. We stayed at this cute little air bnb and I can see what that particular place is so popular! First time doing air bnb. 10/10, will use again.


mhfromnh June 12 2017, 03:43:02 UTC

... )


lovedforaday June 12 2017, 04:05:41 UTC
$499 for an upgraded Xbox One? i don't think so, microsoft.


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