Malaysia wanted to hold competition for best 'gay prevention' video but good news:

Jun 07, 2017 19:09

Ministry removes ‘gender confusion’, ‘LGBT’ from video contest

PETALING JAYA: The health ministry has agreed to remove the terms “gender confusion” and “LGBT” from a controversial video competition on sexual and reproductive health among adolescents.

This followed a meeting between the ministry and transgender activist Nisha Ayub from the Seed ( Read more... )

homophobia, fuckery, malaysia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 1

soleiltropiques June 8 2017, 01:04:24 UTC
(Interesting article, OP. But ugh...)

So... basically they removed the homophobic and transphobic mentions from their competition, but to live as a gay person means facing 20 years in prison, caning, or fines.

...Baby steps, I guess.


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