Drama heightens for the California Democratic Party

Jun 02, 2017 14:55

Kimberly Ellis says her request for an independent audit of the vote for California Democratic Party leader was rejected

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california, voter fraud, fuckery, democrats, democratic party

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Comments 12

blackjedii June 3 2017, 01:24:20 UTC
Wikileaks hacked the votes and the Democratic Party is totally, completely, utterly INNOCENT AND ANGELIC.


fka June 3 2017, 02:05:48 UTC
she needs to stop trying to expose this election fraud.

this is not the time to divide the democratic party by exposing how corrupt it is.

we should all be unifying to #resist drumpf and his tiny little hands!!


calinewarkwc69 June 3 2017, 02:12:31 UTC
Lol, you're under appreciated- and I want you to know that.


spiritoftherain June 3 2017, 17:01:06 UTC
You are so right. Hillary for #2020! Once more, with feeling!


rainbows_ June 3 2017, 21:18:05 UTC



molkat June 3 2017, 15:37:49 UTC
Wait so are we cool with people pointing out problems during elections that contributed to their loss or should we be screaming that they need to take full blame and can't dare point out other things that contributed? So confusing.


spiritoftherain June 3 2017, 16:58:52 UTC
Why do so many Americans insist on binary choices for political thinking?


blackjedii June 3 2017, 17:34:40 UTC
We're trained to so every political figure is either the ultimate evil or the ultimate savior.

Except that angry bass. He was just funny.


moonshaz June 4 2017, 00:23:47 UTC

Yeah, I don't get it. According to some people, acknowledging the Russians did anything at all = pretending all the other things that contributed never happened, which makes no sense to me. The way I see it, there were a lot of contributing factors. I think we need to look all of them to fully understand what when wrong.

I'm tired of arguing about this with people who can't stand to acknowledge any possible explanation that doesn't personally blame Hillary and/or the DNC. I know some people find it satisfying to lay 100% of the blame in that direction, but I do not agree.


evildevil June 4 2017, 15:35:12 UTC

the Dems are doomed.


rainbows_ June 5 2017, 08:58:14 UTC

these are good videos.


calinewarkwc69 June 4 2017, 19:54:27 UTC
you guys, we have finally arrived! Someone from the CADEM party scoped this post down and shared it.

For all the wrong reasons, but I'm pretty stoked anyways


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