Will California go single-payer?

May 31, 2017 13:36

Universal health plan would save Californians $37 billion and cover more people, study finds

SACRAMENTO - As the California Senate considers voting this week on a proposal to replace private health insurance with a statewide plan that covers everyone, the proposal’s main backers on Wednesday announced it could save $37.5 billion in health care ( Read more... )

california, economics, fucking valuable thing, health care, taxes, aww yiss, insurance

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Comments 1

moonbladem June 1 2017, 21:10:51 UTC
With any luck, and good old financial and common sense, as California goes single payer, so shall the rest of the nation. We WILL get there eventually. It's just going to take time.

Providing The Tangerine Turd and the Repug-controlled Congress won't destroy this country in order to remake it in their image in the meantime. There's still a year and a half for them to cause untold damage, and they've been very "productive" these past six months. Fuckers.


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