Two Pieces on Impeachment

May 14, 2017 04:48

Harvard Constitutional Scholar Calls For Trump Impeachment Probe

A top Harvard constitutional law professor is calling for an impeachment investigation into Donald Trump for obstruction of justice, branding the president’s firing of FBI Director James Comey as an “obvious effort to interfere with a probe involving national security.”( Read more... )

fbi, scandal, conspiracies, opinion piece, corruption, donald trump, impeachment, this is gonna be good

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Comments 5

fka May 14 2017, 17:40:46 UTC
instead of organizing, democrats are wasting time and effort by focusing on this impeachment that'll never happen, as well as this dumb russia conspiracy theory that was pushed by clinton's campaign so that they wouldn't have to own up to their own shitty campaign that lost against a candidate that should've been easy to beat lmao

Seattle councilmember @cmkshama: "This is exactly the moment for us to build our movements, not… wait for an impeachment to happen" #DNlive
- Democracy Now! (@democracynow) May 11, 2017


moonshaz May 14 2017, 22:25:15 UTC

First off, who says Democrats are focusing on impeachment to the exclusion of other activities such as organizing? I am honestly not seeing that happening. I definitely don't see these things (impeachment and organizing) as mutually exclusive, nor do I see any reason why they should be. From what I can see, there are some people who are particularly focused on impeachment, and at the same time there are a whole lot of other people who are doing the organizational stuff you're talking about.

For example, in my area at least, there is a TON of organizing going on. I have no idea what's happening in other localities, but the Chicago suburbs are a hotbed of progressive political energy these days. At the same time, there are people who think the Cheetoh should be impeached, and if those people want to write about that and work to make it happen, I fail to see a problem with that. There's no reason why all of those things can't happen at the same time, as they already are.

You know, what you call the "dumb Russia conspiracy theory" is not ( ... )


soleiltropiques May 14 2017, 21:13:01 UTC
"If he did get impeached, we'd just get stuck with Pence, who wouldn't be any better; yada yada yada ( ... )


moonshaz May 14 2017, 22:34:46 UTC

I know Pence would be horrible, but imo, that should have no bearing on whether to impeach Trump. If Trump did the things he's believed to have done, then there need to be appropriate consequences for him. If that means Pence becomes potus, that's a problem, all right. But I have no doubt that the same resistance that's now fighting Trump will continue fighting Pence.

To be continued.....

LATER: Continuing from where I left off earlier, I want to explain the tone of my comment at the end of the o.p. You’re right, it was weird. I didn't mean it to be, but I was bracing myself for comments like the one above yours. I've posted on the subject of impeachment before and got replies similar to that one, and I figured it would happen again. There is a school of thought, which has consistently been represented in this comm, to the efect that Russiagate somehow doesn't matter, that either it didn't happen or if it did, who cares, because it's not what caused Hillary to lose. Personally, I think that line of thought COMPLETLY misses the point. ( ... )


soleiltropiques May 15 2017, 21:09:27 UTC
FWIW, I think the possibility that Trump might get impeached is pretty damn newsworthy and important!

And good for you -I'll admit we've had our disagreements on some things, but I enjoy your posts. :)


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