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Comments 20

soleiltropiques May 8 2017, 16:09:57 UTC
It's been an interesting week, watching the waters rise in my area (=146 municipalities flooded as of last night). There's also been flooding +++ around Ottawa, Ontario.

Where I am is fine (=we don't live near the water) but travel is difficult.

A lot of people have been evacuated. My province (i.e. Quebec) is the hardest hit apparently, but it might spread and water levels are rising across the country.



soleiltropiques May 8 2017, 16:17:48 UTC
Some news from Quebec on this ('State of emergency declared in Montreal after floods): http://www.aljazeera.com/news/2017/05/weather-state-emergency-montreal-170508074136278.html


soleiltropiques May 8 2017, 17:45:16 UTC
Also, from what I see, Andrew Cuomo is an asshole.

"A request by the state of New York to release more water from a dam in Cornwall in order to lower water levels in Lake Ontario has the agency in charge in a tricky situation.

If the request is accepted, the excess water from Lake Ontario, which is nearing a record level, would be diverted to the St. Lawrence River.

That would in turn affect water levels in Lac Saint-Louis, at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers, which is past its record high flood level."

...'Cause who cares what happens to people who are (1) outside the U.S. and (2) not your constituents, am I right?


Source: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/montreal/new-york-lake-ontario-st-lawrence-flooding-1.4100867


ladycyndra May 8 2017, 16:38:28 UTC
We found a house! Everything looks good to proceed with an offer and if its accepted, we are gonna get in gear to get this one ready for sale. I'm so excited!!


soleiltropiques May 8 2017, 17:46:02 UTC


kyouichi May 9 2017, 17:30:57 UTC
Congrats! :D

I've been trying to buy my first house in a pretty hot seller's market in my area. I've finally gotten a (multiple) counter on the 4th offer I've submitted. Keeping my fingers crossed for both you and me! :D


rainbows_ May 8 2017, 22:00:56 UTC
lol people are very hostile on ONTD. never make a post on ONTD criticizing the democratic party!!!!


kyouichi May 9 2017, 22:56:25 UTC
Ah! I'm in contract for a house! Totally excited, but also freaking the fuck out!!!! *taking deep breaths* O.O


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