Abortion Access Is an Economic Justice Issue, and Democrats Should Remember That

May 04, 2017 00:15

Recently, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), known for his laserlike focus on economic justice, was asked in an MSNBC interview whether Democrats can “be open to candidates that may not be rigidly pro-choice, may not be rigidly pro-gun control ( Read more... )

womens rights, reproductive rights, democratic party, bernie sanders, women, womens health, democrats, abortion, small government fits in my uterus

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Comments 12

rainbows_ May 4 2017, 23:05:49 UTC
lol didn't we just have an article about this? this article is from April 19th.....

It turns out we were wrong. The Dem strategy is not to get more racist. The Dem strategy is to get more racist AND more sexist. https://t.co/UZV14mkhFU
- TOMÁS RÍOS (@TheTomasRios) May 3, 2017

"Abortion is fading as an issue" is an incomprehensible hot take by Pelosi as state after state forces out clinics for hundreds of miles
- Bill Humphrey in MA (@BillHumphreyMA) May 3, 2017

That said, if you pretend she's not the highest ranking Dem in America but just a wealthy coastal city person, her mindset's no surprise.
- Bill Humphrey in MA (@BillHumphreyMA) May 3, 2017

Lmao. In just going to wait here for all the the takes about how Pelosi needs to be expelled from the party pic.twitter.com/o9bvlbcnKb
- on the dole (@ActuallyImGood) May 3, 2017

Since a personhood amendment got defeated in 2011 referendum in Mississippi maybe it's time to junk the lie of abortion rights hurting Dems.
- Bill Humphrey in MA (@BillHumphreyMA) May 3, 2017


moonshaz May 5 2017, 04:03:53 UTC

Omg, I must have had a brain fart! I found the article you're talking about. I swear I  had absolutely no memory of having posted that, but when I found it just now, it looked familiar, and the memory of posting it  started to come back.

At least it wasn't the same exact article. That would have been really embarrassing!


moonshaz May 5 2017, 05:14:09 UTC

[This comment was posted in the wrong place, so I deleted it and reposted it where it belonged.]


mhfromnh May 5 2017, 15:44:31 UTC
all. these. men.


rainbows_ May 4 2017, 23:06:00 UTC

Can someone - anyone - point me to any pro-Hillary liberal or feminist who's writing an article denouncing this? https://t.co/NCTc1DNBpD
- kiran کرن فاطمہ (@KiranOpal) May 3, 2017

This, for me, is not *just* about pointing out their hypocrisy - it's about seeing whether they care about reproductive rights or not.
- kiran کرن فاطمہ (@KiranOpal) May 3, 2017

Seriously though a leader of the Democratic Party just said abortion doesn't matter and the only people who are mad about it are Leftists
- Woke Gary Gygax☀️🌹☭ (@gatorgoat) May 3, 2017

What exactly would Dem leadership have to do to piss off the #RESISTANCE
- Woke Gary Gygax☀️🌹☭ (@gatorgoat) May 3, 2017

Abortion was something Bernie was attacked unfairly on yet when Pelosi actually attacks it, crickets
- Woke Gary Gygax☀️🌹☭ (@gatorgoat) May 3, 2017

If your politics doesn't include principles, it's not politics, it's a fandom
- Woke Gary Gygax☀️🌹☭ (@gatorgoat) May 3, 2017

I will wait for the outrage from democrats on how Pelosi needs to be expelled from the party ( ... )


lightframes May 5 2017, 00:04:51 UTC
Pelosi does need to stop. Nobody cares about us from either side of the party.


rainbows_ May 5 2017, 01:16:58 UTC
she is literally the worst. these are the people we are supposed to believe will fight for us against Trump.

. @EvanMcS asks @NancyPelosi if single payer should be a Democratic Party platform in 2018.

"No," she says, without missing a beat
- sick transit, gloria (@samknight1) May 4, 2017

. @NancyPelosi A lot of people quote tweeting this and saying Democrats like to lose and I agree
- sick transit, gloria (@samknight1) May 4, 2017

. @NancyPelosi Hey @NancyPelosi I wrote about you lol https://t.co/OicSn7cebH
- sick transit, gloria (@samknight1) May 4, 2017

The singing was an absurdity, really did make it look like most House Democrats only cared about partisan warfare (which may be true) pic.twitter.com/vpLLPrNGym
- Zaid Jilani (@ZaidJilani) May 5, 2017


moonshaz May 5 2017, 05:14:51 UTC

"Can someone - anyone - point me to any pro-Hillary liberal or feminist who's writing an article denouncing this?"

If you mean denouncing Pelosi's stance, I haven't been able to find anything so far, which surprises me.

I'm actually starting to see this as a semantic issue, to a great extent. I keep reading articles that talk about Democrats who call themselves  "pro-life" but do not favor making laws that restrict access to abortion, people who say they personally don't like abortion but woulld not vote for laws that make it harder to get access to abortion care. That, to me, is pro-choice! If you don’t want to make laws that dictate everyone else's choices, you are by definition supporting choice, afaic.

By the same token, I've always assumed that when someone calls themselves "pro-life," that means they think abortion should be against the law. That's why I initially reacted so negatively to the idea of someone being a "pro-life Democrat." It sounded like an oxymoron to me. But these articles are telling me that there are people ( ... )


blackjedii May 6 2017, 01:29:45 UTC
One one hand... gettin real sick of this fixation on my girl parts and how they have to be legislated instead of the law leaving me and every other person with girl parts the eff alone

On the other hand, if Dems are to EVER win back the House of Reps they have to win in a whole lot more places where they have to basically tiptoe around people who think every sperm is sacred, every sperm is great.

So basically... we're screwed. BUY GOLD BYE.


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