i'm 5ever blowing bubbles...

Apr 25, 2017 20:59

The Media Bubble Is Worse Than You ThinkHow did big media miss the Donald Trump swell? News organizations old and new, large and small, print and online, broadcast and cable assigned phalanxes of reporters armed with the most sophisticated polling data and analysis to cover the presidential campaign. The overwhelming assumption was that the race ( Read more... )

media, journalism

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Comments 2

hikerpoet April 26 2017, 11:27:24 UTC
This has some interesting and probably accurate points, but I feel like it doesn't do enough to differentiate traditional journalism. And I do agree with the advent of online shares, the major city newspapers have infiltrated the mid-states on a higher level (although AP pick-ups were always a thing, even when media was much more trusted) and how the disconnect is there ( ... )


fka April 26 2017, 14:39:52 UTC
i don't really think you can expect any outlet to report completely accurately and objectively when they make money based on clicks/views/ratings and the only thing that'll attract people is news confirming their biases. that's why breitbart and all those other conservative outlets grew so much in popularity, because half of the country wasn't seeing the type of news it wanted to see.

Breitbart v. real life pic.twitter.com/x8HIePy1KE
- Judd Legum (@JuddLegum) April 25, 2017


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